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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
43 Published 04.08.2020


Warning!!! Extreme abuse scenes ahead. Do not read if you are uncomfortable with such scenes. 


As the last bell finally rings, I sigh in relief. 

Swinging the bag over my shoulder, I step out of the classroom and head to the nearest restroom. 

I had a pounding headache, and it seemed to have intensified to the point where I could no longer concentrate on the lessons.

Pushing the restroom door open, I'm greeted by empty silence.

No one is here.

Walking to the sink, my eyes land on my reflection.

The bags under my eyes serving as proof of last night's events.

And not even the makeup could make them disappear. 

With one last look, I turn away from the mirror and proceed to wash my hands. 

I just wanted to go home and sleep.

The moment I'm done washing my hands, I dry them and exit the restroom.

The mass of students seems to have lessened as the hallways look emptier. Only a few remain as they are caught up in their own world.

As I walk through the corridor, I feel a nagging feeling at the pit of my stomach. 

Something was wrong.

But what?

"Rooose," Someone calls out and I freeze.

That voice belonged to a girl.

One that I'm familiar with.

Turning around, I come in contact with Irene as she makes her way towards me.

My feet remain immobile as I try to walk away. I'm frozen in my place as if waiting for the abuse to happen.

"I've been waiting for you." She says as she stops in front of me.

And then she does the unexpected.

"Play it cool." She whispers as she drapes an arm around my shoulder and I gasp at the contact.

My eyes immediately dart around to see if anyone is looking, but it's useless. 

Most students have left, leaving only a few behind.

And they wouldn't help me.

It was better to stay out of it.

"Keep walking." She whispers again and I'm pushed forward as we walk through several hallways. 

Irene has never approached me this way. But judging by the way her lips curled up in a sweet smile, I knew then, that there was a wicked meaning behind her actions. 

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