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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
13 Published 01.08.2020





She was acting strange and I wanted to know why. It bothered me to think that something might be wrong with her. But she wouldn't tell me anything. We were strangers that were so close to each other, and yet so far away at the same time.

I look up from my phone and Nathan's worried face comes into view. 

We're on lunch break, so we are all in the canteen, but Nate and I seemed to be the only ones not socializing with the lads.

Nathan is sitting opposite of me, so I can clearly see his worried expression as he types something on his phone.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

Nathan raises his head and looks at me.


"You look worried." I motion to his face.

"Oh, yeah, I am, sort of. I'm just texting my sister to make sure she's doing okay." He explains.

"Is she older than you?"

Nathan laughs loudly. "No. She's younger than me, but we're in the same grade."

I nod. "Does she attend this school?"

I feel my phone vibrate and I immediately check to see if it's her, but it's not.

Nathan gives me a small smile and shakes his head. "No, she moved to another school."

"I see," I tell him while I fiddle with my phone.

"What about you James, you keep frowning at your phone. Something wrong?" Nate points to my phone.

"Umm, it's nothing. The girl I'm talking to is saying some strange stuff. I'm worried about her since she's usually all flirty and sarcastic." I explain to him while glancing at my phone.

Should I just message her?

Nathan nods and then his head snaps back to me. "Is it the same girl that made you smile before?"

I think back to that day and find myself smiling unknowingly.

"You're smiling again." Nathan points out.

"She does that to me. But yeah, it's her." 

That strange girl that wants to marry me is the reason behind so many smiles.

"Hmm, talk to her or just give her some time. Have you asked her what's wrong?" Nathan sets his phone down on the table. 

"Yeah, but so far we have only talked trough text. But even through text messages, I can tell that something is wrong." 

Sighing, I lace my fingers together. 

Nathan purses his lips in thought. "Try calling her. Perhaps she will tell you then." 

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