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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
30 Published 03.25.2020



Scrolling through my laptop I grin at the words on my screen. 

Google, what a blessing you are. 

Grabbing my phone from beside me, I click on his name and wait for the call to go through. 

"Hi, baby." He says and I feel a familiar warmth in my heart. 

Giving the screen one more glance, I say. "Someone once told me to chase after my dreams." 

"Who did?" I hear the humor in his voice.

Wait, that's not what he's supposed to say.


"Umm," I think over what to say next but I get nothing. "Google..." I finally answer.

The moment James laughs I feel my cheeks blush in embarrassment.

Once he calms down, he turns serious. "And what dream are you chasing?" 

"You," I squeak out.

"Babe," He chuckles. "I don't think that's how it goes."

Grunting, I shoot daggers at my phone.

"It's your fault, you ruined it. I had a whole plan, you know? But you had to be a party pooper and ruin my pick-up line." 

"Aww, sweetheart," James cooes. "Don't get upset with me. You can chase me all you want and I will be ready to be yours." 

No! He's not supposed to say things like that to me. 

Grabbing a pillow from the bed, I smash my face into it and scream. 

That freaking boy! He's doing things to me.

Perhaps it's because I haven't socialized much with the opposite gender. 

Yeah! That has to be it. 

This is all new to me. 

I'm okay. It's normal.

It should be.

After a whole fifteen seconds of screaming, I remove the pillow from my face and use my fingers to comb through my hair.

"What was that?" James asks the moment I'm done. 

"Who knows," I shrug. "Maybe there is a loose bear in Toronto," I say dramatically. "Or maybe it was the screams of your body as I exterminate you for ruining my pick-up line. Although, I think it's an alien invasion, they're probably here to kidnap you, but don't worry, I won't let them take you. You and I, we're a team. Let's fight through crime together."

James laughs at my comment. "A team?"

"Yeah!" I grin.

"You're so sweet, princess." He says.

"Just for you." I click my tongue and wink at the phone.

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