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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
04 Published 01.29.2020




06:12 p.m.


It's me again.

Your favorite person.

Le smol bean.

06:15 p.m.

What do you want?

06:15 p.m.

Someone's peachy today.

06:17 p.m.

Seriously mate, what do you want?

06:18 p.m.

Well if you really want to know, I want to meet Sherlock and Doctor Who.

My love for them is grand.

06:20 p.m.


Don't you have friends?

You know, people who you should actually text, instead of a random stranger.

06:21 p.m.

Oh, if only people weren't so cruel.

You know, if adolescents were a little nicer, the world would be a better place.

But no, instead they are evil.

They're so wicked.

Worse than Maleficent.

It's sad.

But that's reality.

06:23 p.m.

Um, are you alright?

06:24 p.m.

Of course I am.

I was just having a little moment.

But I shall leave you alone, but not because I want to. But because I have an essay to write.

And I must put my magic fingers to work.

Don't miss me too much.


New message:
Don't miss me too much.

I frown as I read over the text messages.

Whoever this person was, they weren't as happy as they usually were.

"James?" I look away from my phone and see my aunt looking at me.


"The trollie, bring it with you." She says.

"Oh, right. Sorry, my bad." I quickly shove the phone inside my pocket. and push the trollie beside her.

"Everything alright?" She asks as she looks at the different brands of sugar.

I sigh.

"Sort of, I've been texting this person and this person is usually kind of sarcastic, but it isn't like that today." I explain to her.

"Did you ask them what's wrong?"

I shake my head in a 'no'.

"Maybe you should." She says putting the bag of sugar in the trolley.


I frown and turn to her. "This person just has a way of putting herself down. I don't know if she does it for fun, but today she did it in a different way."

Aunt Evelyn glances at me. "Different way?"

"Yeah, they seemed kind of gloomy. You know what? Don't listen to me. I'm speaking gibberish. Perhaps, I'm just knackered."

She smiles at me and shakes her head.

"If you say so. Now tell me, what do the other boys like?" She glances to me, before turning her head to the aisles of food.

"Food." I say and I feel a burning sensation at the side of my head. And I immediately reach to run the spot where she smacked me.

I turn to see Evelyn giving me a poker face and I smile sheepishly.

"Sorry aunty."

The other lads would arrive tomorrow. On one of our usual hangouts, one of them decided that it would be an interesting experience to study in Canada. Of course, we quickly dismissed the idea.

However, when the idea was brought up again, we decided to actually go through with it. And after much persuasion with our parents.

They agreed fo let us study in Canada for a year, but only if we stayed at my Aunt Evelyn's house. After everyone discussed it, we immediately gathered documents to study in Canada.

I arrive first, just a few days ago. And the others would arrive tomorrow.
Everything was already set for us. Nothing else needed to be done.

Grabbing the bags I placed them in the trunk of her SUV.

Once we finish, we both get inside the car.

"Do you like the school so far?" She asks putting her seatbelt around her and I do the same.

"I do. I've been talking to a few lads at school. I would say we're getting along pretty great." I explain thinking about the guy who offered to take me to class.

He seems like a nice lad.

"That's good James."

"Have you thought about trying out for a sport? You were part of the swimming team and football team in London."

"I will. Some of the boys in the school have asked me that, and I said I'll try out soon."

"Just don't cause too much trouble."

"If course not, aunt Evelyn."

"James!" She exclaims and I innocently turn to her, already knowing what she is going to say.


"I already told you to call me Evelyn, there is no need for you to be so formal. Or just stick with aunty. But do not call me aunt Evelyn. It makes me feel older than I am. And tell the boys that."

I raise an eyebrow and she shoots me a glare.

Raising both of my hands, I answer. "Alright, alright. I will."

Laughing, she begins to drive.

And the only thought on my mind was the stranger who happened to be texting me.


Hellooo, hey does anyone know someone that does covers on wattpad? I need a cover for my book. I want a cute one, and I tried to make one, but it doesnt look as good as the ones on other wattpad books. So if you know someone who makes cute wattpad covers, let me know. Please 😊😊.

*cries in tiny*

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