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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
88 Updated 07.16.2023


"I like it when you smile,
but I love it when I'm the reason." -Unknown


With hesitant steps, I begin to walk towards the edge on her bed. She's already seated on her bed, her hands folded on her lap as she looks up at me with hopeful eyes.

Everything about this scared the absolute shit out of me.

I can feel my heart wanting out of my chest as I make my way towards her my eyes solely focus on the girl sitting on the bed with hopeful eyes.

She seemed so content, whereas I was a nervous mess.

And as much as I tried to calm down, I couldn't. I didn't want to lose her, not when I just got her back. So, the thoughts in my head were not helping my situation.

Swallowing the knot in my throat, I finally stop in front of her. I don't say anything while I think about to say to her. I simply stand there, smiling at her masking away any hint of nervousness.

No words seem to escape my mouth as my lips part, my silence only contributing to eerie silence in the room.

Truth is I have a lot of things to say, but somehow my brain seemed to have forgotten how to function.

Or perhaps it was my fear.

Fear of losing the girl in front of me.

It was ironic how our roles seemed to be have reversed themselves.

Three weeks ago, I was the one that wanted to talk to her and now she's the one want that wants to talk to me.

She wants to apologise and give me an explanation. Something that I did not need. I understood why she reacted that way. I hurt her. So, I didn't need an explanation nor an apology, not if it meant losing her again.

"James!" Rose exclaims and I stare at her bright eyes. "You need to sit down for this, you can't be standing up throughout the conversation." She chuckles as she pats the spot next to her.

With a lazy grin, I finally take a seat next to her, our thighs almost touching. The bed dips under my weight and she has to adjust her position because of me.

"Sorry," I smile sheepishly.

"It's okay. You play sports." She waves a hand around before bringing it back to her side. "Plus, I can tell you've been hard on your training." As soon as the words escape her lips, she slaps a hand over her mouth, and I stare in disbelief.

Her cheeks turn a shade of pink and a groan escapes her lips, removing the hand from her mouth.

"Umm, I was not supposed say the last part out loud." She drawls out and I raise a brow.

Rose just looks away from me and somehow that makes me want to burst out laughing, but I bite my lip to stop myself from doing so. Instead, I decide to bother her in a different way.

Leaning forward, I whisper next to her ear. "It's okay, princess. I knew you were crazy about me since the moment you saw me."

And because I'm so close to her, I can practically hear the way her breath hitches at my words. With a satisfied grin, I lean back and focus on her.

Rose stares at me in shock and I only shoot her an innocent smile.

It's only fair after the mini heart attacks she has given me.

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