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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
Published 68 05.28.2020



With a confused look on my face I stare at the retreating figure in front of me.

Something isn't right.

There was a feeling at the pit of my stomach, one that lets me know that this is not the Scott I know.

Why did he do that?

Why did he apologise to me?

And for what?

He hasn't done anything serious to me... not since that day in the art's closet.

Shifting on my feet, I continue staring at his broad back until he disappears around a hallway.

I'm sorry.

That's all he said before walking away.

But why is he sorry?

Turning my head to the side, I look down at my arm. It had been a few days since I got the cast removed. The sensation was still there, but I could feel my arm now.

Smoothing down my skirt, I face the front.

What is happening, Scott?

Why did you apologise to me?

With a sigh, I place my forehead against the cold metal of my locker.

Nothing made sense right now.


Unlocking the front door with my key, I grab hold of my book bag and swing it over my shoulder.

Pushing the door open, I step foot inside the house.

Closing the door behind me, I start walking through the hallway that leads to the living room, but just as I pass the main couch, I stop when I hear sounds coming from the kitchen.

It was rare for my parents to be here after I got home from school. And I didn't notice any of their cars, so there was no way that they were home.

Stepping into the living room, my eyes go straight to the kitchen's entrance.

Through the sounds of pots being being placed on the marble, I hear a familiar whistle and my face relaxes in recognition.


She must be cooking today.

Not wanting to bother her, I walk through the living room and head upstairs to my room.

But as I'm walking up the stairs, I have to stop on the last step.

Gripping the rail with my hand until it turns white from the lack of blood flow, I bend forward as I attempt to catch my breath.

Why was I feeling tired all of a sudden?

My energy had been drained so suddenly. Almost as if I had ran a marathon without stopping.

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