9.6K 367 87

Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
29 Published 03.24.2020



"Ladies, please run like you mean it. My grandma could run faster than you and she's 65. Mind you, she had knee surgery a year ago." Coach Carson yells from the bleachers.

As soon as he says that, the majority of us start to run faster.

The results for tryouts were announced yesterday. And since then, everyone who got accepted into a team has to receive training starting today.

Not only that, but we also have to start watching our diets. So basically, twice a month we are allowed to eat whatever we want. Other than that, we have to watch what we eat.

"Hurry up! Pretend the floor is made of lava." He yells once again.

Panting hard, I push myself to run faster.

School ended probably half an hour ago, and since then, everyone has been running around the track field, nonstop.

"Don't complain, I need you to build muscle." The other coach whose name I've just learned, Coach David says as he stands in the middle of the field.

Sweat runs down my face and I shake my head to get rid of it.

"Mate! Adri, wait for me." I turn to my side to see Vincent. His cheeks are pink from the run.

"Where are the other ones?" I ask as we run in sync.

"Ethan and Nicolas were with me a few minutes ago, but I increased my speed to catch up with you." He explains in the midst of panting.

Neither of us say anything after that as we reach the finish line. Once we cross the line, Coach Carson blows his whistle.

As he starts to clap, he says. "Take a break everyone."

As soon as he says that, I let myself drop on the grass while my heart races rapidly from the adrenaline rush.

It was a sunny day today, the sun beaming down on me as I'm forced to place a hand over my eyes.

My muscles relax as they rest from the burnout.

"James! Vince!" I open my eyes and turn my head to see Nathan jogging our way.

His t-shirt is damp, most likely from sweat.

As he reaches our side and stands there, he hands us a water bottle each.

"Thank you," I take it from him and proceed to take a deep gulp.

"Thanks, mate," Vince says.

"No problem." He says and moves to sit on the grass, his palms pressed against the ground on either side of him. "The other guys are sitting on the bleachers. And judging by their state, I doubt they are coming here." He laughs loudly.

"I don't blame them. It's been a while since I ran like that." Vince says rolling his shoulder backward.

I sit up from the grass and stretch my limbs.

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