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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
79 Published 09.27.2020



Rolling to my left, I let out a small groan from my lips. The softness of my bed was lulling me to keep sleeping, but the small ray of light sipping through the curtains forces me to wake up.

In my sleepy state, I pry my eyes open and blink away at the sudden brightness.

Through hazy eyes, the first thing I see is the empty side of the bed where Nathan laid before. The wrinkles on the white sheets letting me know that he was there before. Using my hand, I brush away the strands of hair that fell over my face, moving them behind the curve of my ear.

Staring at the empty spot next me, I turn around and reach forward to the nightstand beside my bed. Grabbing the phone, I turn it on. The brightness of the screen makes me squint and I quickly lower the brightness enough so that my eyes grow comfortable.

But instead of looking at the time like I intended to, my eyes move to the top center of the screen.

I feel a funny emotion stir inside me as my eyes come in contact with the name on the screen. A name I have grown familiar with. One I'm fond of. One that caused an ache in my heart but was the cause of my happiness at the same time.


A word that brought back memories of our beginning.

When I was still a stranger to him.

When we were still strangers to each other.

Looking away from the phone, I clear my throat, the emotions becoming stronger by the second.

It's okay, Rose. It's only a message.

You can do this.

Just check it.

Taking a deep breath, I bring my eyes to the screen below me. Unlocking my phone, I click on the messages that were waiting to be opened.

My heart beats at an uncontrollable speed as his messages slowly appear on the screen before me.

05:27 a.m.

Morning, baby. I miss you.

I know that things didn't end well with you, but we need to talk. I have to explain everything to you.

I take a deep breath and glance away from the screen, my chest rising as I attempt to control my breathing.

Reading his messages caused confusing feelings to arise within me.

Clenching the sides of my phone with my hand, I return my eyes to the screen and continue reading his next words.

05:28 a.m.

Rose, I refuse to let you go. No way in hell is that happening.

But I miss you, princess.

I do.

I remain frozen as my eyes read over the messages over and over again. As if reading his words a thousand times would make me feel close to him.

"He misses me." I mumble into the silence of my room. The words becoming an echo in my head. Reminding me that the boy behind the phone misses me. And it only adds fire to the guilt I feel.

I'm doing the thing he hates, the one that hurts him, the one thing he pleads me to not do. I'm ignoring him.

I'm being horrible to him. And only because I'm...scared.

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