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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
46 Published 04.15.2020



With a sigh, my brows furrow at the phone screen.

It's been three days.

Three days since I have last talked to her.

She won't answer my messages and I'm starting to get worried again.

Something must have happened for her to do this.

It's the only reason.

"Psst." I look up to my side to see Vincent looking at me.

I stare at him as he mouths something but I remain unable to decipher it.

Sending Vince a confused look, he simply holds a finger up signaling me to wait.

I watch as he grabs a piece of paper and writes something on it.

Once he is done, he folds the notebook and shows it to me.

Are you okay?

All that hassle for just two words.

With a quick glance at the professor, I nod my head reassuringly, but Vince only gives me a serious face, letting me know that he does not believe me.

I wanted to say something, but the class was silent. Every student remained focused on their work.

The only sound that could be heard was the occasional noises outside the classroom.

Grabbing my own notebook, I write my own message to him.

I will tell you later.

Vince reads the message and he nods at the end.

Sending him a quick smile I motion him to do this work.

He only shoots me a funny glare before turning his attention to the packet on his desk.

Checking my phone again, my fist clench in anger.

Still nothing.

I was starting to get anxious.

Rose usually answers by now.



I have begged her not to ignore me again.

She knows the pain it causes me when she ignores me.

As I feel my heart beat drastically against my chest, I force myself to ignore my thoughts for now.

But at the back of my mind, I couldn't help but wonder if she was ignoring me on purpose.

But why?


"I am famished, mate," Alec states as he holds his stomach. "I can literally hear my stomach growling."

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