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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
48 Published 04.17.2020



Skimming through the words, I highlight my answer with a highlighter.

The yellow color causing the black letters to stand out.

The lamp beside me, illuminating the room through the darkness of the night.

It was late.

12:34 a.m. to be exact.

But I needed to distract myself.

My mind kept drifting to her.

She seemed to be all I could think about lately.

The ringing of my phone startles me and Theo whines from my bed.

"Sorry, boy." I turn to look at him. Theo simply lowers his down and closes his eyes.

Picking up the phone, I glance at the caller ID.

It's Nathan.

Answering the phone, I place it near my ear.

"You need to come to see her." He says and I grow worried. 

"What?" I ask as my gaze lands on the portrait of the girl.

Her identity still unknown to me. 

"She's not okay, James. I caused her to have a panic attack today all because I kept pressuring her to tell me about what happened to her. I feel so guilty right now. I caused my own sister to have a panic attack. I'm such a shitty brother." 

I feel my heart clench at the thought of her going through such thing.

"Did she tell you?" I get up from my chair.

"Sort of." He sighs. "But James, you need to see her. You're my hope right now. Maybe you can help her. I don't want to tell our parents what happened, but if she continues like this, I will have no other choice. Please, I'm begging you."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

I want to see her.

But she doesn't want to see me.

And I respect her.

"You're the one she needs." He says softly and I bite my lip.

That's all he needed to say.

"I'll be there soon." I tell him before hanging up.

Grabbing my things, I walk out of the room and I don't stop until I reach my car. 


James parks the car and steps out of it in a rush not wasting any more seconds before jogging to the door.

As he stops in front of the door, his heart rate increases.

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