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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
75 Published 07.21.2020


I was listening to Asleep by Emily Browning while revising this chapter and it really hits the feels. You you're welcomed to listen to it.



Reaching inside my pocket, I pull out my phone. Through blurry eyes, I click on a certain name before bringing the phone close to my ear.

And I wait as the phone continues to ring, but eventually it stops.

I don't hear anything, silence taking over the other side, so I part my lips and trough the ache of my heart, I utter the next words.

"It's done, it's over."

"What?" Nathan asks, his tone afraid.

I clench my jaw as I feel more tears roll down my face. My heart clenching in pain. "She ran away from me." I whisper.

She ran away from me before I could even tell her the rest.

"Shit." Nathan curses and I hear the sound of a door closing in the background. "Where are you?" He asks and I look around the lonely park.

No one was here.

It was just me.


"Elven park." I whisper.

"Did you drive there?"

Licking my lips, I walk towards the bench that Rose was sitting on. "Yeah."

"Okay, um, James, please stay there. Okay? Do not drive. I beg you. Please, do not do anything reckless and just wait. I'm with the guys right now, but we will go pick you up and take you home." I can hear Nathan panting slightly and I assume he's running.

Looking down at the bench, I close my eyes.

"Just please, stay there."


Running up the stairs, I don't stop until I reach my room. Tears were threatening to roll down my cheek while my lip quivers, but not yet.

I almost trip on the last step, but my grip on the rail holds me up. Ignoring my lack of energy, I push myself to walk faster.

Stopping in front of my bedroom, trough blurry eyes, I wrap my shaky hand on the cold knob and open the door, immediately rushing inside. Swallowing my tears, I press my back on the wall and I let out a shaky breath before finally letting go.

All the tears I held in while driving, the aching pain of my heart, everything, was finally free.

There was no stopping now.

So, I let go.

I knew who you were even before I met you.

Nathan's sister.

That they bully you.

"He knows." I cry out as I let my back slide to the ground, my back against the door as I bring both knees to my chest.

The truth I had been hiding for so long, he knows it. All of it.

Nothing was hidden because he knows everything.


Letting out a painful sob, I feel my heart hurt.

It felt like someone had a hold of it, and slowly was choking it, taking all life from it, until eventually it could no longer beat.

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