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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
64 Published 05.18.2020



"I will give them something to look at." James breathes out, his voice huskier than usual, and my eyes grow wide at his words.

But I'm soon distracted by the sound of his voice as the boy in front of me lowers his lips right above mine.

A dangerous distance between us.

One wrong move and our lips would meet.

Staring at his emerald gems, I can't help but wonder what was going through his head.

I wanted to say something, anything, but I was frozen, my own eyes completely captivated by his.

Everything was confusing right now.

As his lips draw closer to mine, my breath hitches.


He was making me feel things.

Things I didn't know how to explain.

And I knew this wasn't normal.

It just couldn't be.

My eyes raise to his lips, and my cheeks begin to burn at the sight. Not being able to endure the rapid beating of my heart, I lower my eyes and I watch as his adam's apple moves.

This boy is so beautiful.

Retuning my eyes to his own, I realise that his sight is set on something else.

My lips.

Would he really kiss me?


As I gaze at the gold in his eyes, my mind drifts to his words.

There's a special someone, I fancy.

He had uttered those words with so much love, so much adoration.

James has a girl he likes.

His special someone.

And I did not want to ruin that.

Whoever that girl is, she deserves him.

Not me.

I'm not worthy of him.

I could never be.

He's too good for me.

And I... I'm just a mess.

I'm bad for him.

So with the pain of my heart, I put a smile on my face and press a hand to his firm chest, ignoring the heat that radiated from him as I force myself to push him away.

I'm doing this for you, baby.

Because whatever I feel for you seems to be growing at dangerous lengths.

You don't know it now, but I'm bad for you.

And I don't want to lose you, James. I don't.

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