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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
51 Published 04.20.2020



"I won't let you end this, Rose. I just won't." I clench my jaw in anger. 

This was madness.

How could she ask me to forget about everything that has happened?

To forget the strange feelings I get when it comes to her?

To forget about her completely?

I refuse to listen to her.

"But James, you don't understand-" She tries to speak, but I don't let her.

"Understand what?" I raise my voice. "That you want to end this?"

When I get no answer, I continue.

"Answer me this, Rose. Do you care about me?"

"What? James, of course I do." She immediately says but I'm not done.

"Do I mean nothing to you at all? Does our friendship mean nothing?!" My voice starts to waver as I speak and I press a fist to my mouth.

This girl had a power over me without even knowing it.

"You do mean something! I care about you." She says quietly.

I could hear the sound of her cries as she spoke.

I want to apologise, but I need to know the truth.

Blinking my tears away, I continue.

"Do you really? Because it doesn't seem like you do."

"I do!" She exclaims.

"Then why?" I shake my head. "Why, princess?"

Looking down at the floor, I hold my face in my hand.

Why was she doing this?

I was trying to understand her reasons for doing this, but nothing made sense.

"I'm not worthy of your friendship." She mumbles and I grow furious at her words.

"And why the hell not?" I hiss in response.

Rose simply sighs in response.

"You'll know when you meet me."

My eyes grow wide at her answer.

"Rose, are you-" I start, unable to believe her words.

"Yes," She sighs. "But not tight now. I need time."

With a frown, I ask. "Why are you agreeing to meet now?"

I didn't want her to feel pressured about meeting up with me.

I would wait as long as she needed me to.

"Because nothing I say will make you change your mind. She exhales. "And because I don't want to loose you." She adds on quietly.

"I don't want to loose you either." I say to her.

I never want to loose her.

And I would make sure of that.

The sound of Rose sniffling distracts me and I smile.

"Don't cry." I tell her.

"I'm just crying a little." She clears her throat. "I thought I was going to loose you."

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