The Scoop on U.A.

396 15 3

Yo my edits are back

Two years later, and they're still as sloppy and low-effort as ever lmao

A young man, his dark hair pulled back and glasses pushed up on his nose, had tears welling up in his eyes. He watched his computer screen with great adoration and sorrow. A brown-haired lady sat in a chair beside him, a stack of papers in her hands and a bored expression across her face. She was clearly less emotional about the old footage than he was.

"I can't believe we're never going to see him in action again," the man blubbered.

"Ugh, why don't you get back to work already?" the brunette beside him groaned. "You've been watching that video for ages, fan-boy."

"Urk-! Yes, ma'am!" the guy, mollified, immediately clicked off of the footage and switched tabs to writing software.

"How about this?" another man leaned back in his seat, chewing on the end of a pencil as he took on a dramatic voice. "'All Might, the symbol of Peace......As a young man, his work with genius scientist David Shield brought him world-wide recognition. His meteoric rise continued after he returned to Japan, earning the title of No. 1 Hero and-'" 

"No, no! Stop!" the lady cut him off, seeming distraught. "We can't give our readers the same run-of-the-mill fluff that everyone else is going to be dishing out! We need something that's going to blow their minds!! We're already the last ones to put out a special issue on All Might..."

All three looked over to a nearby table. An unstable stack of magazines, cut-out articles, and tabloids were all piled on top of each other. Big letters, bold colors, and familiar poses of the beloved All Might covered the news stories from top to bottom. The trio had been collecting anything publication that mentioned the retired hero and his legacy, all the while struggling to come up with something of their own.

When all the words seemed to have been said, their job was becoming increasingly difficult.

"His acquaintances are pretty tight-lipped about anything related to him," the man who was interrupted meekly offered. "It's understandable, considering the circumstances, but it leaves us with no choice but to recycle anything we already know."

"Are you a journalist or not?!" the woman was aghast. "We don't recycle!! We embellish and make breakthroughs! Maybe we could talk about the villain he fought?"

"The police aren't releasing anything about him," the man sighed. "All I know is that he's the man behind the LOV. We wouldn't be able to do more except comment on his appearance and abilities, which would ultimately not be kindly received in the wake of All Might's retirement. We don't want to put the wrong spin on this thing."

The lady impatiently tapped her nails against his desk. "Well, the story won't just fall into your lap!! Wanna avoid the wrong spin?! Chase some leads and make me proud!"

"I hope I'm not intruding,"  a new voice was followed by a knock on the office space's entry doors.

A slender man leaned against the doorframe, his clothing casual and his grin smug. His dark hair hung over his face, glasses gleaming in the fluorescent light overhead. His voice was smooth and had a way of drawing anyone in, to hear whatever he had to say.

A perfect trait for a perfect journalist.

"Anger's really not a good look on you, Chief," the new man chuckled. "Now, come on....Give us a smile!"

As if to ease her into it, the man offered a smile of his own. His two-toned eyes conveyed a sense of abnormalcy, but his handsome complexion was one that everyone in the room was quite used to. This man was none other than Taneo Tokuda, a freelance journalist that favored their office over every other publisher.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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