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"Bangalore, Karnataka"

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"Bangalore, Karnataka"

A meeting between two prominent businessmen was about to take place. Veer Jamwal, the owner of the prestigious Heritage Art Gallery and Cultural Events, was excited but yet Lil nervous. He had been working tirelessly to expand his cultural business, and today was a pivotal moment.

Veer extended his hand to his distinguished guest, Prithvi Chauhan, the heir to a renowned chain of 5-star hotels known for their regal and grand heritage.

"So, Mr. Prithvi Chauhan, congratulations," Veer Jamwal said, getting up from his reclined chair and extending his hand for a handshake.

"You too, Mr. Veer Jamwal," Prithvi responded, standing up and firmly shaking Veer's hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Prithvi, for entrusting us with our art heritage and cultural gallery," Veer said with a formal business smile, feeling genuinely grateful.

Prithvi replied with a tone of indifference, "It's nothing. So now, we're business partners. I have high hopes for your gallery. I hope our guests will be awestruck and enjoy your exhibition."

"No, no, it's not just nothing, Mr. Prithvi. I was hoping you'd sign a contract with a gallery in Bangalore. Rumors were there, but I never thought I would be the one you'd sign a contract with. I'm actually grateful," Veer said, still somewhat in disbelief.

Prithvi, ever the modest gentleman, chuckled softly. "Don't use grand words, Mr. Veer. I believe in healthy competition in business. You could be a great future partner for our hotels," He said.

After a brief pause, he added, "Our hotels' main purpose is to deliver the best service and rich cultural nostalgia of ancient times, and you are finest in that craft."

"Thank you, Mr. Prithvi, for your..." Veer began, but Prithvi's secretary interrupted him.

"Boss," Prithvi's secretary said. 

Prithvi's expression was shifting slightly.

He turned to his secretary, who had a nervous look on his face.

"Excuse me," Prithvi said, and his demeanor transformed into one that demanded respect and fear.

"Sure," Veer replied with a polite smile.

Prithvi and his secretary stepped aside.

"Boss," the secretary said, his voice shaky, "your tonight client's dinner is canceled. They have some emergencies, so they canceled."

"What? What do you think I am? Do I have a lot of time on my hands to waste?" Prithvi said, his voice filled with anger.

He continued, "We're going back. Amar, take my car out."

His secretary, familiar with his boss's temper, hesitated but continued, "But, boss..."

"Didn't you hear me, right?" Prithvi interrupted, raising an eyebrow, a clear sign not to question him further.

As they conversed, Veer interjected, "Uh, Mr. Prithvi, I hope I'm not intruding on your privacy, am I?"

Prithvi's gaze turned in Veer's direction, his focus shifting. "You are!" he said, stepping closer to Veer.

"Sorry, but may I suggest something?" Veer said with a hint of hesitation.

Prithvi allowed it, saying, " go ahead, Mr. Veer."

Veer hesitated for a moment, "I was thinking," Veer began, "if your plans are canceled, why not stay with us for tonight? Our home is just an hour away in Mysore. You'll experience. best stay"

"No, Mr. Veer, I don't mix my personal and professional life. My jet is ready, and I need to leave," Prithvi said with an authoritative tone, making it clear that this was his final decision.

He then turned to his secretary and asked, "Amar, is it ready?"

Amar stammered, "No...boss, I mean, yes...your jet Is almost ready"

"It will take some time, boss," Amar added, trying to avoid his boss's wrath.

"What now? What do I do?" Prithvi questioned Amar in an irritated yet calm voice.

"uhh your suite is ready; I made sure of everything in advance," Amar explained.

"Advance, huh?" Prithvi remarked sarcastically.

He then turned back to Veer, who was still standing there waiting for his decision. "Okay, so, Mr. Veer, thanks for the offer, but I'll stick to my plans. I need to go back."

Veer, not ready to give up, gave it one more shot. "But, Mr. Prithvi, it's better to have dinner with us since your plans for tonight have been canceled. I overheard your conversation. I'm sorry for that. But, Why not stay at my home? It's not that far, just an hour away in Mysore. You'll love it and experience authentic Karnataka hospitality."

Prithvi's secretary, Amar, chimed in, "Boss, it's actually a good plan. The investors had an emergency in their family, which is why they canceled the dinner. The chairman would be furious if they found out, and they've asked me to arrange a meeting for tomorrow."

"Now you're going to tell me. What is a good plan,and what not?" Prithvi said to Amar, raising an eyebrow. Then he took a pause and addressed the situation. "Okay, then. See if we have any slots available; then, only arrange the meeting."

"Thank you, boss, sure thing. " Amar said, relief evident on his face.

Prithvi then turned around and accepted Veer's offer, saying, "I'll accept the offer. Thanks, Mr. Veer."

Veer, with a smile on his face, said, "No, Mr. Prithvi, I'm grateful to you."

"So, should we go?" Prithvi said.

Veer nodded and replied, "Yes, the car is ready." 

Veer extended his hand, gesturing, "This way, Mr. Prithvi."

"Thanks." Prithvi said, following Veer.

" Prithvi said, following Veer

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