The Princess of the People

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The birth of Prince Joffery rang throughout the keep. His features... they were, one might say, unique for a Targaryen prince. Just like the older sons of Rhaenyra. Prince Joffery was born with pasty white skin, brown eyes, and hair. So clearly, not a child of Ser Laenor. No matter what the Princess Rhaenyra argued. Compared to their sister, Jace, Luke, and Joffery were disliked and were the constant victims of harsh stares and rumors so extreme it could possibly mean the death of him and his brothers. She had thought maybe that was why he was the way he was. What further proof do you need of his true parentage?

Ahsoka went to find her Uncle Aemond. Unlike her brothers, Ahsoka was well received by all of Alicents children, especially Aemond. The young prince was, I guess you would say, obsessed with his niece. Envious of her pure blooded traits. Aemond admired his Valyrian heritage to much extent. He loved reading stories about dragons and the days before the doom. He felt less than a Targaryen. He had the silver hair but wished he was born with the signature violet eyes like his father, sister, and niece. His Ahsoka he thought. He was making his was to the dragon pit for his lesson. Another way he felt lesser than a true Targaryen. He had no dragon for his egg, never hatched. He had no dragon but was still required to attend the lessons at the pit with his siblings, niece, and nephews. Aemond was making his way to the wheelhouse when a sudden tug of his arm pulled his out his thoughts. He looked to his right to see none other than his Blue Star. Bringing blush and a smile to his face.

Aemond: Ahsoka!
Ahsoka: Hello, Uncle. How are you?
Aemond: Better. Don't much want to go to the lesson. But it will be better knowing you're there, Blue Star.
Ahsoka:*giggles* May I accompany you in the wheelhouse?
Aemond: Of course, my star. I would love it if you were to accompany you.
He said while staring into her eyes. They were indeed like Amethyst, as everyone said. Walking hand in hand with the Princess made goosebumps form on the Princes' arm. His heart racing. If you weren't aware of it yet, Prince Aemond had a crush on his niece, the Princess Ahsoka. She was everything he had read about when it came to stories of Old Valyria. She was a pure Valyrian beauty, he thought. On the way to the pit, Ahsoka admired the people on the capital. She wished she could be among them more often, but she was still so young it was dangerous. Aemond had admired how Ahsoka could find wonder in simple things. "Am I boring you?" He asked sarcastically, making the princess roll her eyes and give her uncle a smile. "I'm just enjoying the view. Tis all uncle." A genuine response. Making Aemond chuckle. "The view of shit? The smell of it too, mmm." Ahsoka laughed, slapping Aemond arm. She then turned her head back to the people.

Ahsoka: When you look at them. What do you see?
Aemond: Is this a joke?
Ahsoka: No, really Aemond. What do you see?
Aemond: I see commoners. And I smell them too. Why?
Ahsoka: You know what I see? People. Not highborn or lowborn. People with no titles. They're just living their day to day lives. Trusting our family to lead and defend them. I see-

Words leave the Princesses' mind as she sees a little girl being grabbed by the hair and pulled back to the bakery when she had just stolen some bread. "STOP THE CARRIAGE!" Then shouts Ahsoka. The sudden halt taking people by suprise. "What is it, Princess?" Asked a guard just before the wheelhouse door flew open, showing the young descending to the streets of Kings Landing. Gasps and whispers can be heard from all around. The sight of the young princess. The Blue Star. "It's the Princess. Princess Ahsoka. It's the blue star." All that was heard from the surrounding area. "Ahsoka wha-" Aemond stops his words, and he sees her helping the young girl up from the ground. "Are you alright? What is the meaning of this?" She asked the girl just before jerking her head towards the poor man who was not on the opposite end of the Blue Stars rage. "She was stealing mi'lady." replies the man. Though his voice sound fearful once he noticed the Kings Guard walking over to them. "What was it that she was stealing, may I ask?" Ahsoka asked. Then, a broken little voice pulled Ahsoka from her anger. It was the little girl she had saved. "I'm sorry, princess. I was just so hungry." she says into a sob. A sob of fear and hunger. Ahsoka wipes the tears from the girls face, her heart breaking. This girl can't be older than the Princess. "You. Are forgiven." All eyes of they weren't already, shifted to the Princess. She was pardoning the girl who confessed to stealing? "And here," she says, and she grabs a loaf of bread. "Please take this. Eat. And if you are ever in need of common human decency and food. Go to the gates of the Keep and give the guard this." She pulls out a siver seahorse hair pin and gifts it to the young girl then continues. "Give this to the guard and tell him that Princess Ahsoka wishes to see me. They'll bring you straight to me." The little with now tears running down her face at the Princesses generosity. Quickly wraps her arms around the Princess and thanks her. Ahsoka then turns to see everyone staring at them. Mostly children. Probably orphans. They're probably starving. She turns around to see the baker admiring the Princess for her gentle nature only to then be given a golden bracelet with a dragon encrusted upon it. "Oh, Princess..." The baker at a lose for words is met with the violet eyes of the Princess Ahsoka. "Bring everything that bracelet is worth out to these tables. All of these children must be starving as well. Give them food now." The words of the Princess are met with cheers from everyone, especially the children. Whom all of which have run to the Princess thanking and admiring her. With a hand on her shoulder, she looks up to be met by the Kings Guard. "Let's go, Princess." Ahsoka nods to then pull the girl she saved into tight hug before waking back to the wheelhouse. As they drove off, the Princess watched as all the children were eating bread, pies, and all kinds of sweets. Also, the shouts and cheers of the people whom from this day forward refer to as "The Princess of the People." Aemond admired her as she looked out the window. Sitting in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the sight of his Blue Star. Taking her hands in his, he speaks clearly and purposely. "You are the best of all of us, my Blue Star." Running his fingers through her white curls, brushing a fee strands behind her ear. The young prince then leaned forward, placing a kiss upon the cheek of the Princess. "Aemond..." the Princess said in a bashful tone. That's when they reached the pit.

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