Tell me you're mine

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124 AC. Kingslanding

It's the eve of Princess Ahsokas fourteenth name day. Ahsoka is flying to the capital for her celebration. She's so excited to see everyone again, especially Aemond. As well as the common people, she had to fight to get the celebration open to the public. This means free food and drinks for everyone in Kings Landing. She knew that, which is why she fought so hard. When the clouds started to break, she heard the bells of Kings Landing. She flew closer to the pit and heard a few screams, which always made her laugh. As she lands, she's met with cheers from the people who've gathered as close to the pit as the can to bear witness to the Princess who's done so much for them over the years. She noticed Elaena amongst the crowd and ran to embrace her.

Ahsoka: It's wonderful to see you. How are you?
Elaena: It's lovely to see you as well, Princess. I'm very well! On my way to the palace kitchens, I have started working there.
Ahsoka: I'm so happy for you! Walk with me.
Elaena: I do not think the hand will be too pleased with that.
Ahsoka: Lord Otto?
Elaena: The king some days can't get out of bed. The hand gives him milk of the poppy and then takes over the proceeds of the day.
Ahsoka: Is that so... well, I don't care what he likes and doesn't. You will walk with me.
Elaena: Very well, Princess.

As Elaena walked, she was met with the smiles of children. She picked up her dress and started chasing a few playing with them. After some time, she took the hands of a couple of children and walked towards the Keep, followed by a croud. Through the gates, she was met by Jaxton Lannister. Clearly eyeing her up to see what all the fuss was about. He didn't look impressed at all. If anything, he had a smug expression. That expression tied with the blonde hair... she knew exactly who he was.

Jaxton: Princess Ahsoka. I am Jaxton Lannister, son of Lord Tyland. It's an honor to meet you.
Ahsoka: My lord. I hear you're to be my protector.
Jaxton: Indeed, my lady. I look forward to us becoming well acquainted.
Ahsoka: Before I accept you as my protector, I will be putting you to the test. You will fight so I may asses your skill set.
Jaxton: *scoffs/moves closer* I can fight any man you send my way.
Ahsoka: *chuckles* If only it were as simple as a man.

Ahsoka made her way into the throne room. She stood by the door waiting for her announcement.

"Princess Ahsoka of House Velaryon. The Blue Star, The Princess of The People, Goddess of The Wind and Seas, The Awoken."

Gasps could be heard as the princess appeared in the doorway. Her walk was confident. But also some would say unbecoming of a Princess. She strut her way towards the Iron Throne like she was about to sit upon it. She met the gaze of a few nobles with a warm smile, including men she saw of House Stark. Her eyes met with a sixteen year old man she knew had to be Cregan Stark. She was not shy about eyeing him up, just before nodding and turning her gaze. This set placed a small smirk on the young Stark. Ahsoka made her way to where her grandfather, the King, sat upon his throne. His health deteriorating, but not much of a change since she last saw him. She does a deep and graceful bow.

Viserys: Welcome, My Blue Star. You grow more beautiful with each visit. Which is not nearly enough.
Ahsoka: Grandsire. It is lovely to see you again. I have missed you. I am glad to see the children of Kings Landing still well kept for.
Viserys: Your love for the common people inspires us all. As does your abilities. I hear Driftmark has grown used to rain.
Ahsoka: *laughs* Indeed! The people carry umbrellas daily. There's never been more vegetation, however. Crops grow exponentially on Driftmark.
Viserys: *laughs* Indeed, my child! We welcome you this day on the eve- *interrupted*

Aemond entered seemingly out of breath as all eyes turned to him. But his eye only gazed upon the Princess Ahsoka. He stood for a moment and took her in. His eye dances over her whole body. Adoring the curves of her hips as well as obviously her breasts, which made her chuckle to herself. She knew what he was looking at. She herself has grown a sexual appetite that was untamed yet unexplored. She had, had the talk with Rhaenys. Pictures were drawn. Various details shared, and she had contemplated her ideal life with Aemond. However, her letters with Aemond grew more suggestive over the years they matured. Both are still young, but that was kind of point. Aemond had been with one person, but that only made his obsession with his niece that much greater in exchange. He clenched his desires but not his fantasies. His fantasies... let's not explore for now. But rest assured, it was some shit. Anyway. Aemond joined his family, not taking his eyes away for a moment. Nor his niece. His father spoke, but he didn't hear a word he said. The pair still shared eye contact as she spoke.

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