Family? Dinner

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131 AC. Dragonstone

It was a few hours after Aemonds breakdown, and he was just waking up from his nap. He woke up snuggled in blankets and pillows and realized that Ahsoka wasn't in bed nor was their son. He looked up to see her standing at the cradle provided by Luke, swaying and humming to Anakin, who was in her arms. "Ahsoka." Aemonds raspy voice calls out to her. She turns around and smiles at her husband before moving to sit on the bed. Aemond scoots closer to the edge of the bed and rests his head on Ahsokas shoulder.

Ahsoka: How are you feeling?
Aemond: Better. *deep breath*
Ahsoka: Good. *kissed his head*
Anakin: *coos*
Ahsoka: *single chuckle*
Aemond: I am sorry.
Ahsoka: Aemond *interrupted*
Aemond: No, I... I took my fear and anger out on you. Which wasn't fair.
Ahsoka: *sighs* You're right. It wasn't fair. *looks at him* But I forgive you nonetheless.
Aemond: *looks up at her*
Ahsoka: You have every right to be angry. To be fearful. *grabs his hand* But I swear to you. I will defend this family with all of the power that I possess.
Aemond: I know my sweet. *kisses Ahsoka*
Ahsoka: I love you.
Aemond: I love you. *kisses*
Anakin: *coos*
Aemond: *gasps* And I love you.

Aemond lays a kiss to Anakins nose, making the babe kick and move his arms. Letting out a squeal of happiness. Aemond and Ahsoka giggle at their sons' actions before a knock at the door pulls their focus. "Princess Ahsoka? Princess Rhaenyra invites you and your family down for supper." Ahsoka looked to Aemond to check to see if he was comfortable with it. To which he agreed. "If at any moment you feel like it's too much. Tell me. And we will leave." She said to him as she kissed him once more.

Down in the dining hall sat Rhaenyras family. The young dragons stuff their faces while Rhaenyra can't help but fidget with her rings. "Stop that. She will come down." Daemon says as he grabs her hand.

Rhaenyra: *deep breath*
Luke: Are you alright, mother?
Rhaenyra: *smiles* Yes, sweet boy.
Daemon: *kisses Rhaenyras hand*
Jace: And I. *raises goblet* Am looking forward to it.
Daemon: I do not what to hear a single word from you.

Some more time passes before Aemond and Ahsoka are announced. Jace smiles due to the fact that he recalls the fight Aemond and his sister had a few hours ago. That smile soon falls when he sees the pair walk in the hall hand in hand. With their son in Aemonds arms.

Rhaenyra: *stands* Ah! There you are. I was getting worried.
Ahsoka: The five of us spent the afternoon in bed. Some of us were just waking up.
Baela: Five?
Daemon: The babes.
Rhaenyra: That's lovely. Please sit.

Aemond and Ahsoka sit at the table. Aemond sits at the end of the table as usual so he can view everything easily. To Ahsokas left sits Rhaenyra. Then Daemon. Luke sits on the other end of the table across from Aemond. Across from Daemon sits Rhaena. Then Jace and Baela, who is sitting across from Ahsoka. As the meal continues, Ahsoka chooses to focus most of her attention on her husband and son. Checking to see if Aemond is alright while also catching Anakin trying to take food from Aemonds plate. He giggles can be heard around the table.

Ahsoka: *whispers* That's not yours Riñītsos. (Little boy)
Anakin: *smiles at Ahsoka*
Ahsoka: *baby voice* Noooo *giggles*
Aemond: *smiles/looks at Anakin*
Anakin: *giggles*
Aemond: *whispers* Muña shall feed you after supper. (Mother) *kisses Anakins head*
Anakin: *coos/reaches for plate*
Aemond: *moves Anakins hand* Cut that out.
Ahsoka: *giggles*

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