Parental Failure

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Elaena: Hello, Mother.
Mysaria: Daughter

A silence befalls the estranged mother and daughter. Elaena has always felt that her mother cares more for the orphans of Kings Landing than her own daughter. Fighting to take care of these children that aren't even hers while Elaena had to grow up figuring most things out on her own. Especially what it means to become a woman. Mysaria is a brothel proprietor, information broker, and former prostitute and slave. Under the alias White Worm, she leads a network of spies and informants active in King's Landing. Originally a slave from
Yi Ti, Mysaria eventually found herself in Westeros, where she worked her way up the ranks in the criminal underbelly of King's Landing, to become the most trusted ally of Prince Daemon Targaryen, as well as his paramour. Well, formerly.

Mysaria: How is your father?
Elaena: Last I saw, he was happy.
Mysaria: Did you *interrupted*
Elaena: He doesn't know.
Mysaria: No? And why didn't you tell him of his daughter?
Elaena: What would that have done but cause trouble?

Daemon was always kind to Elaena during her stay on Dragonstone. He indeed never knew who she really was, but that made it better in her opinion.

Elaena: He has been good to me. I can't do that to his family.
Mysaria: Are you not? His family?
Elaena: No. I am not a Targaryen. I am a bastard. A waters.
Mysaria: If that is who you choose to be. Why are you here? After all this time?
Elaena: I've come to you off the request of Princess Ahsoka.
Mysaria: *sarcastically* Oh, you mean the Blue Star? Goddess of The Wind and Seas?
Elaena: I mean The Princess of The People. Your people.

Mysarias' smile falls at this remark. She has, of course, heard of "The Princess of The People" and was thankful for Ahsoka saving her daughter. But she didn't trust her. She thought it was all for show. How could a princess of all people care about people below her status? Mysaria stands at the top of a few stairs, looking down at her daughter with a question on her lips. "What does the Princess want from me? How is it she even knows of me?"

 "What does the Princess want from me? How is it she even knows of me?"

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Elaena takes a deep breath before continuing.

Elaena: I told her of my true parentage many years ago.
Mysaria: You give away your secrets like a foolish child.
Elaena: And you neglect your child in favor of those who don't even share your blood.

A new silence befalls them before Elaena speaks once more. A small look of guilt now on Mysarias face. She recognizes her faults and shortcomings when it comes to her daughter. She always wanted to fix that. If given the chance. Which it seems has presented itself.

Mysaria: I am sorry. I... I failed as a mother.
Elaena: I agree... But that's not why I am here.
Mysaria: Right. Princess Ahsoka. What does she want from me?
Elaena: She needs your spy network so she may stay updated on Kings Landing while she's fighting in the war against the Triarchy.
Mysaria: Yes, I have heard she sent a rather unpleasant letter to the hand.  And that she somehow got word to the king without anyone knowing. Now, who could that have been?
Elaena: Ahsoka needed me.
Mysaria: Careful daughter. You must show no allegiances. They can be used against you.
Elaena: What are you talking about?
Mysaria: That pin. The same Seahorse pin that she gave you years ago. You still carry it.

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