I Will Take Whats Mine

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138 AC. Dragonstone

A/N. If you're a Stranger Things fan, I am writing another story called "Number 3." It's about a girl from the same lab as El, and it's a Billy x OC story. Check it out!

It's been two days since Ahsokas Raven to her mother was sent to Dragonstone, and she hasn't heard back yet. When Rhaenyra first got it, she was hurt in more than one way. Her father is dead. Her throne was taken by none other than her own daughter... "I knew it! That bitch usurped your throne!" Jace yelled when found out along with everyone else.


Ahsokas letter to Rhaenyra.


I have written this letter six times now, but no matter what I write, the words are wrong. Grandsire is gone. The maids say he died in his sleep, but I can not say for sure. Mother, there is other news. Per King Viserys' wish. I now sit the throne. I would never do this to you if I was not sure with all complete certainty that this was indeed his wish. I know you do not trust me. But I beg of you. Meet with me and let us talk. About everything. I know we have never had that loving mother-daughter relationship. I know we have never had much love between us, sad as it to admit. It is truth. I will not promise you a chance to start over. But please. For the sake of Viserys. For every loving moment we have ever shared. Let us meet.


Just Ahsoka

Rhaenyra fell to the ground, crying out of grief and anger. Daemon sat on the ground holding her as she wept. "We will speak with her and figure everything out." Daemon said to her as she cried into his chest.

Later on, Rhaenyra sat in her chambers, staring into the fire. She re-reads Ahsokas' letter over and over again. Thinking about her words and how they actually make sense. She remembered the dinner, her fathers words. "You will understand." She remembered how he asked Ahsoka to sit the throne. It was all so obvious. Ahsoka didn't usurp the throne it was indeed given to her. It was her fathers wish. She had ink and parchment brought to her, and she started writing. Like Ahsoka, she didn't know what to say until she said it. She wrote three letters that were as she declared "poorly written." All of them agreeing with Ahsoka about how she indeed shall sit the throne. And the words Viserys said to her at the last gathering. After the third letter, she took her drafts and stuck them in a wooden box on the other side of the table. Now she finally felt like she was getting out what she needed to say when she was interrupted by a drunken Jace bursting in the doors.

Jace: I hear.. You're writing to that usurping whore. *sniffs*
Rhaenyra: Do not speak that way about your sister. *continues writing*
Jace: Wh.. didn't she just steal your throne? And now you're defending her?
Rhaenyra: She did not steal my throne. She did not usurp me. And she is not a whore.
Jace: What the fuck are you going on about?
Rhaenyra: Jacaerys!
Jace: *rolls eyes*
Rhaenyra: *sighs* My father told me he would do this.
Jace: *eyes widen*
Rhaenyra: He said that I would understand. He told me he didn't want me to bear the burden anymore. He told me I was free, and this is what he meant.
Jace: He was a dying old man half mad on milk of the poppy. He didn't know what he was saying.

Rhaenyra shook her head and kept writing. Ignoring Jace, which was something he was not used to. Everyone else... sure whatever... but his mother?

Jace: She doesn't deserve it. You know?
Rhaenyra: Why are you so envious of her?
Jace: *scoff*
Rhaenyra: *turns* No. Anser me.
Jace: I don't *scratches head* know what you're talking about.
Rhaenyra: *stands* Ever since you were a child, you've hated her.
Jace: *eyes dart*
Rhaenyra: Luke practically worshiped the ground she walked on. Yet you... *steps in front of him* You dispised her for no reason.
Jace: She was vile! A..a..an..and a traitor!
Rhaenyra: She was an innocent girl who only ever helped people.
Jace: *swings arms up/drips them* Oh yes... The Princess of The People... *pfft*
Rhaenyra: *narrows gaze/shakes head* By the gods... I have ruined you... *Jaces eyes widen* I have failed you as well... *looks down*
Jace: M..Mother? I...

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