The Burden I Bear

971 53 7

138 AC. Kings Landing

Aemond has been here a few days after he children left and could barely sleep. Even though he received word of his wifes success, he was still afraid for his family. He read over the letter Rhaenys had sent him stating that Anakin, Aries, and Aisha destroyed a fleet of ships, and Ahsoka killed the lead pirate Racallio Ryndoon but he was still filled with anxiety. His mother told him of the coup that Vaemond was planning, and he wasn't surprised at all. During Aemonds' residence on Driftmark, he had grown accustomed to Vaemonds hateful gaze and dislike for Ahsoka and their children. Aemond was in the training yard sparing with Ser Criston. Prince Aemond made short work of defeating Ser Cole, obviously. Implementing Ahsokas fighting technique always assisted him in duels. The duel involved Aemond holding his blade using Ahsoksa signature reverse grip, spin kicks, and flips. The sparing ended with Aemond holding his sword to Ser Cristons neck. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw two brown haired boys he knew to be his nephews. Well... actually his brothers now since his marriage to Ahsoka. Aemond spun himself around to meet their gaze. Before speaking, he walked a few paces in their direction. A grin on his face. "Brothers..." Aemong said in an underwhelming tone. "Have you come to train?" He asks. Before either of the young black dragons had a chance to answer, the gates opened. "Make way for House Velaryon." Aemonds cocky smirk falls off his face at the mention of his house. He had been waiting to see his family. And thanks to Vhagar leaving with Aemonds children, he wasn't able to fly back home. Aemond stepped back to put his sword away when he heard the sound of his children's voices. KEPA! (FATHER) They all yelled out. The ones who could move on their own ran up to Aemond. The latter fell to his knees, embracing all of his eleven children. Everyone's eyes went back on Prince Aemond surrounded by his children. Aemond and Ahsoka were consistent talk of the court. Everyone cooing over how many children they have. And their rare Valyrian features.

Aemond: *looks to his three eldest* What you three did was reckless, dangerous, and irresponsible!
Anakin: We saved them all, Kepa! (Father)
Aries: We wanted to protect our family.
Aemond: It is my job to protect you. All of you!
Aisha: We're sorry, Kepa. (Father)
Anakin: Yeah. We didn't mean you make you angry.
Aemond: *deep breath* Oh, Ashara!

Aemond sees Princess Rhaenys walking up to them and in her arms is a bundled up little Ashara. Aemond takes his daughter and looks upon her sleeping face. "Not a hair out of place." He says to himself before giving a nod of appreciation to Rhaenys. Aemond sees a lot of himself in Rhaenys. Like him, she was born from half Valyrian marriage, her father a Baratheon. So she, like Aemond, was born with only half the Valyrian look. Blue eyes and white hair. With all of the pure blooded Valyrian running around Driftmark, Aemond was glad you have at least one person who looked exactly like him. Aemond turns back around, speaking to his children.

Aemond: *huffs* I am not angry. I was afraid. *pulls eldest children close* I will not bury my child. *tear falls*
Anakin: *hugs Aemond* I'm sorry, Kepa. (Father)
Aemond: *soft crying*

Aemond is on his knees in front of his children. All of them crowd around him for a group hug. Everyone whispers between themselves. Aemond was known for his hard exterior, his coldness. Now he was on his knees crying into his sons tunic while children surrounded him with hugs. Some people wondered how so cold a man could possibly be a good father. He wasn't cold towards them, of course. Anakin looks over to see his uncle Luke walking over to them with tears in his eyes. "Uncle Luke!" Axton yelled out, breaking from the bug and running to him. Luke fell to his knees, embracing his nephew. "I just heard about the attack this morning. Are you alright?" He asked Axton. Aemond looked at this interaction and didn't quite know what to feel. Luke has visited Driftmark many times to see his sister and her children. Aemonds children weren't strangers to him. Out of the black family, they knew Baela, Rhaena, Daemon, and Luke. They had never met Jace. They knew Rhaenyra through letters and the gifts she sent over the years. But as far as Ahsokas children after her twins, Rhaenyra never met them in person. For obvious reasons, she didn't feel welcome at Driftmark. As for Jace, he surely was never welcomed. After the fight the last time the entire family was together, Jace stayed in Dragonstone, and Aemond forbid his children from going over there with him lurking.
Aemond looked to his children, then up to Rhaenys.

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