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138 AC. Kings Landing

A/N. I just actually shocked myself with a part of the story. The way I wrote someone, who I thought they were, but it actually turns out they're someone else. I didn't even think about it until i was thinking about a completely different plot involving that character. And yall finna gag when I reveal what I just figured out something about this character. It's all about the timeline, girly girl! I'm so damn smart.

Alicent is awoken by her handmaiden Talya. She came to the Queen with news Alicent expected. But it still hurt her.

Alicent: You're sure? *sobs*
Talya: With his own eyes, Your Grace.
Alicent: *sniffles* Uh... summon the small council. We must prepare. *sniffles*

Alicent got dressed,  grabbed the box that held the crown Viserys made for Ahsoka, and made her way to the small council chambers where everyone was already waiting. Alicent takes a seat at the table. Everyone eyes the box that the Queen carries before placing it directly in front of her.

Otto: Alicent? Why have you summoned us at this hour?
Alicent: *deep breath* The King. Is dead...

Silence befalls the room as the members of the council look around at each other. Some are fighting the urge to smile.

Otto: Who knows?
Alicent: What do you mean?
Otto: Just.. please answer.
Alicent: My handmaiden Talya. Some of the servants... I saw him last night... before he... *clears throat* He told me he wished for Ahsoka to be Queen.
Otto: What did you say?

Alicent lifts the box and reveals the Valyrian steel crown. A beautiful crown. But Princess Ahsoka?

Alicent: He had this made for her.
Otto: *speechless*
Tyland: Princess Ahsoka to take the throne?
Otto: That cannot happen, Alicent. That is everything *interrupted *
Alicent: It was the Kings final wish. His last words to anyone in this world and they were to me. His wife... he told me that Ahsoka was the one to lead the realms against the darkness.
Maester Orwyle: What does that mean your grace?
Otto: It doesn't matter. We shall move ahead with the contingency plan. Larys, send word to our allies. We must secure the realms for the Princes ascension.
Alicent: Hang on... who's ascension... you mean to tell me this council has been secretly plotting to instill my son as King?
Otto: That has always been our goal. Alicent.
Alicent: Ours or yours.
Larys: Your grace if the realm fell under the protection of a woman *interrupted*
Alicent: These are the Kings words.
Beesbury: I know the King. I've known him longer than anyone here. And I know he wanted Princess Rhaenyra to seat the throne.
Alicent: My Lord, I swear to you *interrupted*
Beesbury: I do not believe it. We all know how you and the Princess used to be friends. We all know of your ire.
Criston: You will mind your tongue while addressing the Queen.
Alicent: My Lord, the King himself asked the Princess to seat the Iron Throne just yesterday. Did he not?
Beesbury: That may be. But why did he not speak it at court? Hm? Why did he not say anything? Do you think I am a fool girl?
Criston: If I must warn you again *interrupted*
Westerling: Stand down, Cole!
Alicent: My Lord *interrupted*
Beesbury: No! I will not hear it! We will summon Princess Rhaenyra. And that! Will be *interrupted*
Criston: *grips shoulder* I HAVE TOLD YOU *splat*

Ser Criston smashed Lord Beesburys' head into the table, killing him instantly. The room is taken aback by this.

Westerling: *unsheaths blade* Throw down your sword and remove your cloak, Ser Criston. I am your Lord Commander, Ser Criston.
Cast down your sword.
Criston: *unsheaths blade* I will not suffer insults to Her Grace the Queen.
Alicent: There was no insult to me, Ser Criston. Y.. Put aside your blade.
Westerling: Has it come to this?
Otto: Lord Commander, enough.
Orwyle: Let us have Lord Beesbury removed.
Otto: No. The door remains shut
until we finish our business.
Alicent: There is nothing to finish. Ahsoka is to sit the throne!

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