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Once we reach the young Princesses Chambers, Ahsoka knows what's coming. She wasn't looking forward to it by any means. But she didn't regret her actions. Aemond was her friend, and how dare Aegon? How dare her brothers? They know how it feels to be looked down upon for something that they can not control. So why put someone else through that? Of course, she knew the answer already. And she was gonna let Jace have it. Luke, however, she saw him walk with his head down. Sniffling. She felt so bad for making him cry. However, she would stand by her decision. In the face of her father, mother, and brothers.

Rhaenyra: Explain yourself.
Ahsoka: Mother?
Rhaenyra: Did I stumble on my words, dear child?
Laenor: Nyra?
Ahsoka: Why am I the one needing to explain myself? After what they did?
Rhaenyra: You assulted your uncle and went against your own brothers in front of the King.
Ahsoka: Because they were wrong!
Jace: We're family!
Ahsoka: So is Aemond!
Rhaenyra: Enough!
Ahsoka: You were making fun of him because he doesn't have a dragon. The only reason you found it funny is because you weren't the target of it.
Rhaenyra: I SAID ENOUGH!

A painful silence befalls everyone. Jace is standing next to his mother. Whilst Ser Laenor stands holding Ahsokas' hand. Jace stared daggers at his sister. His oh so perfect sister. The who has all praise. The "Blue Star". Tss whatever. The silence is broken as Luke sniffles yet again while coming out from behind Rhaenyras skirts. "D... Do. Do you ha.. hate us?" Luke asks while looking at the floor. He can't bear to have his sister hate him. His big sister. Ahsoka meant so much to him. He loved her more than anything. And even though he couldn't express that so much in words. His actions showed it. Ahsoka walked up to her brother, wrapping her arms around him. "I could never hate either of you, Luke." Luke squeezes his sister in both sadness and relief. Crying into her chest as she runs her fingers through his curls to calm him.

Luke: You... you d... don't?
Ahsoka: Luke, look at me... *wipes his tears* Just because I may get angry with some of your choices. That doesn't mean I hate you. But it wasn't right for you, either of you. To do that to him.
Luke: I... I'm sorry.
Ahsoka: *kissed Lukes head* Sweet boy. I am not the one who needs an apology. When this dies down, you and Jace will apologize.
Jace: I'm not apologizing for anything!

Ahsoka looks up at her younger brother. With nothing but disappointment in her eyes. "Very well, Jacaerys." Says Ahsoka. She gives Luke another hug, kissing his head again. Wiping his face with her sleeves. "Now, no more tears, brother. I do not hate you, I promise." Luke gives a broken smile as he attempts to calm himself. He's so relieved to hear his sisters words.
Rhaenyra and Jace, however, both shared the same face. They were very not happy with Ahsokas' choice to defend Aemond publicly going against her brothers. "You will not train with your father for the foreseeable future. You must learn to defend your family. Not stick your own blood on the choping block!" Rhaenyra said angrily to her daughter. Ahsoka scoffed at her mothers' decision. Why was she in trouble for doing the right thing? "Mother, that's not fair! Kepa, please." (Father, please) Ahsoka said, looking to her father for help. This only angered Rhaenyra. Why must Ahsoka always run to her fathers' side? Why can't Laenor just for once support what Rhaenyra was trying to do? "Don't. Don't look to your father to save you. My word is final!" Rhaenyra said as she stormed out the room. Laenor leaned next to his daughter, whispering, "Get ready and meet me in the training yard." With a wink, he left her. Taking her brothers with him so they could get ready, too.

Some time later, everyone is in the training yard. Ser Laenor has insisted on the Princesses training. "Learning to protect yourself is essential." He says. Most men and women in the yard gave dirty looks at the sight of the Princess with a wooden sword. But as her skills grew, those dirty looks and whispers turned into cheers. Ahsoka was worried at suffering the wrath of her mother. Feeling her brothers eyes on her, surely to go running to Mother afterward. But Laenor told Ahsoka not to worry. That he would deal with her mother. Her brothers are with Ser Criston, Aegon, and Aemond. Aegon is still upset that Ahsoka broke his nose. But she pays him no attention. Laenor lunges at his daughter, but she rolls forward, evading him. He swings yet again, but she blocks. She's getting quite good. She is small, so she relies on speed and agility. The surrounding croud is in awe at the Princess. Leanor chases her to the wall only for the Princess to kick off of it, onto a batrol of ale, and flip over her father. He is very impressed. Ahsoka is more than pleased with the applause, to then look up, meeting the eyes of her mother, who's less than pleased. "Kepa..." (Father...) Ahsoka says, not breaking eye contact. Laenor then turns to notice his wife walking over to them. "Go watch your brother, my little Blue Star. Allow me to speak to your mother." Ahsoka accepting her fathers words steps away, not before the croud cheers, shouting Ahsokas name yet again. Gaining looks from The King, Ser Criston, Aegon, Aemond, Jacaerys, and Luke. Amongst others, viewing the training of the princes. Ahsoka looks over her shoulder to see her parents talking.

Rhaenyra: So. You allow her to train even after I said she's not permitted?
Laenor: Rhaenyra...
Rhaenyra: She must learn Laenor. She must always defend her family. Her blood.
Laenor: And that's exactly what she did. And I will not allow you to punish her just because you. You are so angry.
Rhaenyra: I will not stand here and listen to- *interrupted*
Laenor: You will stand there, you will listen, and you will say nothing. Just as I have all these years. Why are you so threatened by her? She can not help the way she was born, just as the boys. She is our daughter, OUR daughter. And you won't treat her as anything else.
Rhaenyra: How dare you?

Rhaenyra: How dare you?Laenor: NO HOW DARE YOU!

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Everyone turned to look. Rhaenyra flushed with embarrassment. Mutters something to Ser Laenor and takes her leave. Laenor, aware of all the eyes on him, turns around without looking at any of them. Instead, he makes his way to his daughter with his head held tall. "Issi ao alright, kepa?" (Are you alright, father?) Ahsoka asks in her mother tongue. Laenor was the one who was teaching Ahsoka the language of their ancestors, and she had been picking it up fairly quickly. "Ry jāhor sagon sȳrī, issa byka qēlos. Māzigon. Ivestragī īlva jikagon ūndegon seasmoke se trigon. Kostilus īlon shall sōvegon naejot Driftmark?" (All will be well, my little star. Come. Let us go see Seasmoke and Trigon. Perhaps we shall fly to Driftmark?)

Hand in hand, they walked away from the training yard. Ahsoka turns to see her friend. Aemomd is already watching her leave. She yells goodbye. Saying, "I'll see you soon! Kepa, may we visit the orphanage before we leave?" This brings a warmth to Laenors heart as he agrees. "Of course. My Princess of The People." He says with a bow, and Ahsoka laughs. Slapping his arm before grabbing his hand again.


A/N. Ahsoka is capable for a young age. She's on her way to Driftmark, where she'll see her grandparents, Aunt Laena and Uncle Vaemomd. As well as the villagers

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