War Upon The Stepstones

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126 AC. The Stepstones

A decade later after the death of the one they called "Crabfeeder", the Triarchy regroups through an alliance with Dorne on the opposite side of the Stepstones, and they launch a new joint invasion of the island chain on two fronts. This time, the Triarchy assigns command to a flamboyant Tyroshi general, Racallio Ryndoon. Before the formation of the Triarchy, the Free Cities of Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh were bitter enemies, almost always at war with one another. In 96 AC, however, they set aside their differences and combined their forces to rival the strength of Volantis. They defeated the Volantenes in the Battle of the Borderland, driving their rival from the Disputed Lands.

The unexpected political union of these three formal rivals into a larger realm upset the balance of power throughout the Free Cities, and even in Westeros. With Volantis left reeling to the east, the Triarchy turned its attention northward, threatening Pentos along the border with Myr. Even Braavos saw its merchant fleet increasingly challenged by the growing power of the Triarchy, though its influence was not so great that it could attempt to conquer Volantis, and further inland, Norvos and Qohor were not concerned by its growth. The greatest effect of this alliance was that the fleets of all three cities combined were finally able to crush the pirate-lords in the Stepstones who had carved out increasingly powerful kingdoms for themselves, using the rocky isles as bases to raid ships passing into or out of the Narrow Sea for fortunes in loot. The navies of the Triarchy pushed westward to destroy the pirates in the Stepstones and then permanently conquer the islands outright. The Three Daughters first created their alliance in the waning few years of the reign of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen in Westeros, who died in 103 AC and was succeeded by his grandson Viserys I. At first, the union of the Three Daughters was welcomed in Westeros, as it brought an end to the increasing pirate activity in the area. The Triarchy's navies levied high taxes on all passing ships in exchange for this protection, however, and as the years passed, the taxes grew worse than what the losses to the pirates used to be.

Lord Corlys and his brother Vaemond fight on the ground below, slaying multiple foes. Whilst Ser Laenor is on dragon back. Using Seasmokes dragonfire to rain death from above. Seasmoke has done well to dodge arrows and scorpions in the midday sky. There are only a few wounds on the great silver beast. During their battle planning, two unexpected men were announced as they walked to the table to assist in battle strategy.

Laenor: Cregan, Jaxton?
Corlys: Lads?
Cregan: Lion and I were sent ahead, so we may arrive early.
Laenor: Ahsoka...
Vaemond: What?
Corlys: The crown sent Ahsoka to fight?
Jaxton: Lord Otto has refused to send aid. Ahsoka learned of this, and she made the decision to come.
Cregan: We came to assist her. She's on her way.
Corlys: Otto won't send help? What of the King?
Cregan: Apparently, he's been on heavy dosage of milk of the poppy as of late. The Hand now makes the decisions.
Corlys: That man's greed will be the death of him.

The news that his daughter is coming into this war zone makes Laenor want to puke. She's just a girl. She's suffered so much and already has the weight of so much on her shoulders. He didn't want his daughter to be subjected to war.

Laenor: She can't! She's but a child!
Jaxton: Dragon is far from a child, Ser.
Cregan: She's quite formidable.
Jaxton: She figured out how to make Valyrian Steel. She turned a dagger as well as her armor into it.
Vaemond: Valyrian steel? That girl now makes Valyrian steel?
Laenor: "That girl" is my daughter. Show respect, Uncle.
Vaemond: This is a mockery! To allow a girl into battle? A Princess?
Jaxton: She can handle herself. She will be an asset in this war that you, Ser Vaemond, are currently losing.
Vaemond: I will not be lectured by a golden headed, spoiled- *interrupted*
Corlys: Vaemond! Take a breath.
Vaemond: You allow a child, a girl. To weild Jelmāzma before your own brother. And you now dare to tell me to calm myself?
Corlys: You are out of line.

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