Health Scare

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131 AC. Kings Landing

Five Moons Later.

Aemond: Come on. You can do it.
Anakin: *smiles*
Aemond: *light chuckle* Come on, my little hatchling. Come to Kepa. (Father)

Aemond has been trying to get Anakin to crawl for the first time. For weeks, he has been attempting this and was not giving up. Anakin is now almost seven moons old, and the maesters say it was around this time that the infant prince should

Aemond: *playful voice* Anakin
Anakin: *giggles/claps*
Aemond: *picks up Anakin* Not today?
Ahsoka: *chuckles*

Aemond looks over his shoulder at his wife sitting at her vanity. She is retouching the blue in Ahsokas hair, making it look brighter.

Ahsoka: He will be running to you in no time.
Aemond: Small steps, my love. *tickles Anakin*
Anakin: *giggles*
Ahsoka: *giggles* He shall be the fastest little boy in the Keep!
Aemond: Let us encourage him to crawl before he starts running off.

"You see how your mother is so eager for you to grow up so quickly? *whispers* I want you to stay like this forever." He says to Anakin as Aemond holds him close to his chest.  Ahsoka smiles at the interaction between father and son.

Ahsoka: I merely wish for him to be happy and strong.
Aemond: He his more than happy. *raises him in the air* The mighty Anakin Velaryon! All shall bow before him! RAWR!
Anakin: *screechs/laughs*
*doors open*
Alicent: What a site!
Aemond: *brings arms down* Hello, Mother.
Alicent: Aemond. *gasps* Anakin!
Anakin: *shreaks with excitement*
Aemond: Woah! *chuckles*

Alicent moves to her son and grandson, now taking the latter in her arms. It was no secret how much the Queen adored Anakin. Which was something Ahsoka was more than thrilled with.

Alicent: *tickles Anakin* What are you doing?
Anakin: *giggles*
Aemond: *chuckles* Mother. Is everything alright?
Alicent: Everything is well, my son. I just came to visit.
Ahsoka: Ah. Allow me to just pin my hair up.
Aemond: *satisfied sigh*

Queen Alicent looks at her son with a happy look in her eye. She couldn't be happier for Aemond. She had found more joy when she was with Aemond and his family than anywhere else in the Keep. Ahsoka fixes her hair into a bit and wraps it in a cloth when she feels something wet between her legs. She looks down to see blood on her blue dress. Why blood? What was wrong?

Ahsoka: *gasps/whines*
Aemond: What is it! What?

Aemond rushes over as Ahsoka stands. The sight is not something he is happy to see. Aemond grabs his wife and checks to see if she is alright. "No, no, no, no, no, no! No!" She yells out as she lifts her dress and glides her hand over her thigh. Not a lot of blood, but it's troubling. Aemond looks from his wife to his mother, who shares his worry. "No! *cries* The baby..." If you weren't aware already, the Princess Ahsoka was already Five Moons into her second pregnancy. But what was wrong with her child? She couldn't take the thought of losing it.

Queen Alicent ordered a maid to alert the Maester of their incoming arrival. When the four of them got there, they were met with the entire green family. Viserys, Otto, Aegon, Helaena, and their little children. Aegons eyes shot open when he saw his good sister in her current state. He has seen her covered in blood before, but this one seemed more dire. As Ahsoka passes her green family, she hears the cries of her son and youngest nephew Maelor, who has grown attached to his new aunt. She wants to reach out and soothe them both, but she's more worried about the babe she carries. Aemond and Ahsoka enter the chambers where the Maester is immediately prepped and ready to examine the Princess. Ahsoka is crying at the thought of losing her child. Her belly is round but not that much. She's only five moons along. Her child wouldn't survive if she was forced to deliver. Luckily, she wasn't losing her child. A whole other suprise was in store for her.

Outside the door waited the greens. Alicent is pacing back and forth after giving Anakin to her daughter Helaena. Helaena tries her best to soothe the still wailing babe.

Alicent: This is taking too long...
Viserys: My dear wife, I am sure everything is fine.
Alicent: This can not be happening...
Anakin: *cries*
Helaena: Shh. Shh. It's alright, sweet one.
Anakin: *cries*
Aegon: *sniffles*
Otto: Aegon?
Aegon: *looks up* I'm fine.

Alicent looks to her firstborn. Aegon seems distressed as she is. Over the last several moons, he had begun to reinvent himself. Not drinking nearly as much, he's not running off to Flea Bottom. He could even be seen with Helaena and their children more often than he was before Anakins birth. Alicent moves to Aegon and runs her fingers through his hair. Usually messy and unkept. Now, it was brushed and clean. Aegons breath hitches at the feeling of motherly affection. Something he never thought he'd receive. Especially not from his mother.

Alicent: All will be well.
Anakin: *cries*
Aegon: *sighs* Give him to me.

Everyone looks to Aegon with surprise as he takes his nephew in his arms. Now trying to soothe him. Bouncing him on his knee, making silly faces, and just over all being a giant man, child. Which works. Anakin finally stopped crying and fell asleep in his uncles arms. "Very well done, my boy." Says Viserys. His father. Who has barely ever acknowledged his existence, but now. "Thank you, Father." Aegon replied. The doors to the maesters chambers open to reveal the maester, Aemond, and Ahsoka. The latter looks shocked. All stand as they realize what's happening.

Viserys: Maester?
Maester: Yes, yes, your grace. All is well. Just some spotting.

The maester is met with sighs of relief. Aegon steps closer with Anakin still in his arms. Which catches Aemonds attention. Aemond now moves to take his son in his arms before moving back to his wife.

Alicent: What was wrong?
Maester: Nothing your grace this normal when one carries multiple fetuses.
Alicent: But this didn't happen when *stops* Wait multiple?
Maester: It is my belief that the Princess is carrying twins.
Viserys: *happy sigh* Oh my family only grows!
Alicent: Twins? Are you sure?
Maester: Yes, my Queen. I am sure.
Helaena: *whispers to self* I knew it.
Maelor: Is blue OK?
Helaena: *picks up Maelor* Yes, my sweet, aunt blue is OK.

Ahsoka still looks like she's in shock at the news. Twins? Instead of just one baby? One baby was a lot to deal with. Now she was to have three all at together. Two newborns and a babe barely at his first nameday. But she was still happy. Rather this outcome than the other. Twins. Ahsoka and Aemond were set to have twins! With names picked for boys and girls, they felt ready. As ready as you can be for children. Ahsoka embraced her husband and other members of her family in tears. "Don't worry, my love. That will never happen with us." Aemond whispered in her ear. Which was something she actually believed.


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