Noble and Not So

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The outburst between Ser Laenor and Princess Rhaenyra sparked murmurs just before the princes reverted to training. Aemond gives a smile as he watches Ahsoka leave. He wants to chase after her to ask where she's going and when she'll be back. But a scoff from Jacaerys brings him back to reality with an eye roll.

Criston: Keep your feet light and your hands heavy.
Viserys: This is the stuff, Lyonel. Lads that learn together, train together... knock each other down, pick each other up. They will certainly form a lifelong bond, wouldn't you agree?
Lyonel: That is the hope, your Grace.

Aemond knocks the sword out of Jacaerys' hand.

Criston: Dont stand too upright, my prince. You'll get knocked down. Aegon.
Aegon: I've won my first bout, Ser Criston. My opponent sues for mercy.
Criston: You will have to do better. If a 10 year old girl can do that to your face, imagine what she can do with a sword. Let's see if you can touch me. You and your brother.

The brothers Aemond and Aegon spar with the knight.

Criston: You're gonna have to do better than that.

Ser Criston so easily defeats the young princes, while Ser Harwin gets the Princes Jacaerys and Lucaerys attention. "Ah! Weapons up, boys. Give your enemies no quarter." The knights make eye contact before continuing.

Harwin: It seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention, Ser Criston.
Criston: You question my method of instruction, ser?
Harwin: Oh, I merely suggest that method be applied to all your pupils.
Very well. Jacaerys, come here. You spar with Aegon.

Criston: Eldest son against eldest son.

Harwin: It's hardly a fair match.
Criston: I know you've never seen true battle, ser, but when steel is drawn, a fair match isn't something anyone should expect. Blades up. Engage.

Aegon is not merciful just because Jace is small. He attacks only to then push him to the ground. Jace gets back up and attacks. Overwhelming Aegon, much to Ser Cristons displeasure. Aegon then pushes the straw dummy over on Jace just before the brown haired prince backed out of the way.

Harwin: Foul play.
Criston: I'll deal with him.

Ser Harwin grabs Jaces chestplate, giving him advice. While Ser Criston whispers something to Aegon to make him angry.

Harwin: Plant your feet. You have a height advantage. Use it. Advance on him...
Aegon: YOU!

Jace pushes Ser Harwin out of the way as Aegon rushes him. Both are fighting while Ser Criston yells advice to Aegon while watching Ser Harwin. "Close with him. Press him backward! Close with him! Stay on the attack! Use your feet! Don't let him get up. Stay on the attack!" That Ser Harwin has had enough. Getting the older prince off of Jace.

Harwin: ENOUGH!
Aegon: You dare put hands on me? Harwin: Aegon!
Aegon: You forget yourself, Strong. That is the prince.
Harwin: This is what you teach, Cole? Cruelty... to the weaker opponent?
Criston: Your interest in the princeling's training is quite unusual, Commander. Most men would only have that kind of devotion toward a cousin... or a brother... or a son.

Ser Harwin took the bait. Lunging at Ser Criston. Showing truth to his reputation, Ser Harwin "Breakbone" Strong. He smashes Coles face in. "Say it again! Say it again!" he yelled over and over, eventually leaving the bloodied knight.

Now, while the testosterone was going crazy in the training yard. The Princess Ahsoka and her father, Ser Laenor, walked hand in hand through the streets of the capital. On their way to the orphanage. As they walked, the people stopped and waved at the pair. More so, the Princess. "Good day, Princess." She heard from a couple of people. She didn't know them. But they know her. Word of what she did with the little girl spread like wildfire. "They adore you, Blue Star. What you did is an inspiration to us all." Laenor says to his daughter, earning him a smile. They were met with more "hellos" while they made their way inside the orphanage. As the children saw the Princess, they gasped and ran up to her. Laenor was very pleased with the welcome for his daughter. "Princess! Princess!" A child yelled. Ahsoka welcomed the greeting with a hug to the boy who couldn't have been more than Lukes age. Ahsoka bent down to look the young boy in the eyes. The boy stared in awe. Never before has he seen violet eyes up close. "And what is your name, sweet boy?" Ahsoka asked. "Jon." replied the boy in a shy voice. He didn't expect this much attention from the Princess. "It is very nice to meet you, Jon. It is wonderful to meet all of you." That's when a voice pulls Ahsokas focus. It was the girl she had saved. She walked up and met the Princesses gaze. "Princess." She says as she attempts to bow before Ahsoka pulls her into a hug. The girl hugs back with hesitancy, but she does none the less. "I'm afraid I never asked your name. I do regret that." The girl replies with. "My name is Elaena if it pleases." Ahsoka smiles and grabs the girls hand, Ahsoka can tell she makes her nervous, so she's hoping to calm her. "How have you been? Have you all eaten?" The Princess is met with a few shaken heads. A few too many for her liking. "I will talk with my grandfather, the King. He will help you all. I swear it." Ahsoka says with all love and compassion. Laenors heart is melting at this gesture. He then chimes in. "Until then. Take this." Gifting a bag of gold to the caretaker. Enough to buy a hot meal for all of the children present. "Oh, thank you, Ser. I see when the Princess gets her compassion." Replies the caretaker. I am so grateful to the Princess and her father. Laenor loved it when people talked about how alike the two were. He loved his Little Blue Star more than anyone or anything in this life. More than her mother and more than her brothers. Leanor had tried not to play favorites when it came it his children. He loved the boys, but they just weren't his. He didn't have that connection with either of them. When he looked in their faces, he didn't see himself. He loved his sons. But not like his Ahsoka. She was the only one who was truly his. Laenor reaches his hand to his daughter, "We must be off little star." The children don't want Ahsoka to go. "I will return, I promise. And I will speak to The King." Ahsoka said while giving a few hugs before making her way to the dragon pit. Leanor mounted Seasmoke, then to look up watching his daughter climb Trigons blue scales. The young dragon had somehow outgrown Seasmoke in the span of its short 10-year life. Seasmoke, a mature war dragon. Didn't compare to mighty beast Trigon has grown into. And he's not even done growing yet. Shuttering at that thought as he watched his daughter get comfortable on the dragon with no saddle. Ahsoka had refused one every since her first mount. She was a show off just as everyone said she'd admit that. But the way she saw it. If she doesn't show out, then she will be overlooked. Not just because she was a girl. She was a princess in like to inherit the Iron Throne. Without saying the command, Trigon jumped from the cliff and took flight. They flew around the keep and started heading East towards Driftmark.


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