Future Promises

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130 AC. Kings Landing

4 Moons Later

Ahsoka feels fat. Her back hurts like a bitch and she had a short fuse. She, of course, means nothing by it and apologies to whomever is unlucky enough to get in her way or who chews too loudly. Aegon. She was now six moons into her pregnancy and was exhausted.

Pregnancy is wonderful overall now that she is capable of keeping food down. "So much for being a Goddess." She once told Aemond while he held her hair back while she was vomiting. This definitely made her rethink future pregnancies, but Aemond quickly talked her back into it. He was honestly concerned for a fortnite when Ahsoka was adamant about now having any more children due to the fact she was consistently ill. Ahsoka was in Helaenas chambers sitting on the floor playing with now three year old Maelor. While Helaena sat on her chair with her needle pointing. Making what Ahsoka assumes to be a spider.

Helaena: Maelor! Leave Aunt Blue alone!
Ahsoka: *giggles* I truly don't mind, sister.

Over time, Ahsoka has really embraced the members of the family. Especially Helaena and her children. Maelor is now calling Ahsoka, Blue. Due to her blue hair as well as everyone calling her Blue Star. It was adorable how attached he was to her. She absolutely loved this little boy who was now her nephew. Nephew. Cousin. It was confusing at first, obviously, but everyone had grown used to it after a certain point.

Maelor: Is he almost done?
Ahsoka: *giggles* Almost sweet boy.
Maelor: When?
Ahsoka: Still a few moons to go.
Maelor: When?
Ahsoka: Oh, well, he still has three moons left.
Maelor: But when?
Helaena: Maelor!
Ahsoka: *laughs* Oh!
Helaena: The babe kick again?
Ahsoka: *deep breath* Yes indeed.

Ahsoka loved the sensation of her baby kicking in her womb. It was as if he was trying to remind her of his presence. As if she needed a reminder. Ahsoka ran her hands over her belly, and a smile ran across her face. That's when Maelor gently plopped his head on her belly.

Ahsoka: Oof.
Helaena: *walks over* Riñītsos! (Little boy)
Maelor: I can hear *kicked* Ow!
Ahsoka: Oh, are you alright?

The baby just kicked Maelor in the head, causing him to laugh. Which brought Ahsoka to a laugh as well. Helaena picked up Maelor and sat him on her lap. Ahsoka is still sitting on the ground next while Helaena sits on the bench next to her.

Helaena: Why must you bother your aunt?
Ahsoka: Oh, he's no bother.

The doors open to show Aemond walking in. He greets his family with a bright smile. "Kepus!" (Uncle) Maelor yelled before running to Aemond. The latter picks up his three year old nephew, throwing him in the air, catching him again. Ahsoka giggles at the action. Imagine Aemond with their own children. How wonderful he will be as a father. He lays his eyes on Ahsoka and moves to her. Putting Maelor down and now kneeling before his wife.

Aemond: *kisses* My wife.
Ahsoka: *giggles/kisses* Husband.
Aemond: Why are you on the floor? Come, let's get you in a chair.
Helaena: Don't bother, I already insisted.
Ahsoka: It's easier to play with Maelor, RAWR! *grabs Maelor*
Maelor: *screams*
Aemond: Hey, hey, easy. *takes Maleor off her stomach*
Ahsoka: Oh, he's perfectly fine.
Aemond: We have precious cargo here. *touches her belly*

Ahsoka rolls her eyes at Aemond, making him run his hand over her cheek. She leans into it and closes her eyes before he speaks. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Ahsokas breath hitched before looking up at her husband. She sometimes forgot his punishments. Mainly because it's been a long time. But a swat on the butt every so often to keep her in line. If it wasn't for his son growing inside of her. He'd throw her over his shoulder, and she wouldn't be able to leave their bed for days. Before she started to show his last spanking left welts on her ass which he them applied a cream to help them heal. It hurt to sit for a few hours, and she enjoyed the pain. Every time she sat, it reminded her of who she belonged to. Making her grow wet at the thought.

Ahsoka: *whispers in his ear* Are you going to punish me?
Aemond: Hm. Later.
Ahsoka: Awe.
Aemond: *kisses temple* For now. We must go see my mother. She wants to discuss the babes' celebration.

Aemond picks up Ahsoka helping her to her feet. To which she them placed a kiss on Maelors forehead, taking their leave. Hand in hand, they made their way down the corridor. Ahsokas free hand remains on her belly. The couple arrive at Alicents chambers to find her looking out of her window at the sky. Trigon and The Cannibal are flying over Blackwater Bay. The Queen turns to greet her family with a warm smile to her face.

Alicent: Ah, there you two are

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Alicent: Ah, there you two are.
Aemond: Hello, mother.
Ahsoka: Apologies, your grace. I can only move, but so fast these days. *laughs*
Alicent: *chuckles* No need to apologize, my dear. I understand. Come sit.
Aemond: On a chair this time?
Ahsoka: Tss.
Alicent: Hm, what?
Aemond: My wife seems to prefer the comfort of a floor to a chair.
Ahsoka: I told you. *sits/grunts* I was playing with Maelor.

Alicent is all genuine smiles. Ahsoka really had become a part of the family during her time here, and Alicent couldn't be happier about that. Alicent truly loved Ahsoka as her own daughter, and having her in the Keep seemed good for everyone. Even Aegon has grown more respectful of Helaena. Not coming onto maids in front of her, at least.

Alicent: *sits next to Ahsoka* How are you fairing love?
Ahsoka: I am well. I feel much better since the sickness has stopped mostly.
Alicent: Mm. Any word from your families?
Ahsoka: My father can't wait to be called grandsire. Same as Daemon. He's excited to meet my son. But my mother still hasn't spoken to me.

Rhaenyra hadn't reached out to Ahsoka since her wedding many moons ago. Ahsoka heard of her the stillbirth and tried to visit. But Daemon had told her that Rhaenyra didn't want to see anyone. Since the birth she has been keeping to herself, rarely leaving her chambers.

Alicent: I can't imagine what your mother must be going through.
Aemond: *kneels and kisses Ahsokas belly* That will never happen, my love. Not to us.

Aemond runs his hand over Ahsokas belly, and she meets him. Holding his hand in place. Ahsoka couldn't imagine having to go through that. Aemond then gets a suprise that brightens the mood.

Aemond: *gasps*
Ahsoka: Oh. *chuckles*
Alicent: What is it?
Ahsoka: The babe kicked.
Alicent: *gasps/touches Ahsokas belly*
Aemond: He is strong. He shall be a mighty warrior. A fierce dragon rider. The world shall tremble before him.
Ahsoka: *chuckles* Well. After we change his diaper cloths.
Aemond: *chuckles*

Alicent couldn't be happier to welcome her new grandchild. And her new daughter. Time was moving so fast, and soon, the babe would be here. And everything would be alright.


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