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138 AC. Westeros

Kings Landing

Aemond left Kings Landing after cuddling with his children in his new chambers fit for the rulers of the land. It was rare first a King and Queen to share the same living quarters, but Alicent had no doubt this ruling couple would want to be together, so she had the largest room in the Keep prepared for them. Aemond smiled at the familiar sound of his children's snores as the sun started to fall in the sky. All eleven of his children piled around him, snoring and drooling their little lives away. Aemond wanted them to keep their innocence, but he also wasn't a fool. He knew this world and what people were capable of. He knew that his enemies wouldn't have restraint simply because they were children. He knew that at the first chance they got, they would come for them. Just like Ahsokas enemies attacked Driftmark. He would never allow that to happen here. In fact, he planned on over overseeing the city defenses himself to make sure everything is up to his standards of protection. As Aemond stepped out the door to his chambers, he didn't hear his eldest Anakin come after him. Aemond made it seven steps from the door before he was stopped by Anakin calling out to him.

Anakin: Kepa. *door closes* (Father)
Aemond: *turns* Go back to bed tresy. (Son)
Anakin: *walks up to him* You're leaving too?
Aemond: Yes. I will be back before you wake up.
Anakin: I don't want you to go. Aemond: *kneels*
Anakin: Please papa don't go its dangerous.
Aemond: That's why I have to go. So I can make it safe for you. Your brothers and sisters. You all as well as your mother. Are the only things I care about in this world.
Anakin: Uncle Jace is mean. He'll hurt you!
Aemond: That bastard won't get the chance.
Anakin: I.. *tears up* I don't want you and Mama to die.

Aemond embraces his son. Young Anakin has been through so much in the past few days and has had no time to deal with any of it. He killed for the first time. Not just one man. But hundreds of men. He and his siblings both. Aemond sways back and forth, holding his son in his arms, patting his back to soothe him as he sobs in his shoulder. Anakin would never admit it, but Aemond was his favorite parent. Ahsoka is obviously a great mother. However, Aemond was his hero. Racing Vhagar and Highwing, sword fighting, hunting, wrestling, name it. Aemond was the best father, and his son cherished the time with him. The last thing he wanted was for either of his parents to die.

Anakin: *cries*
Aemond: Anakin... listen to me, lad.

Aemond shushes Anakin before moving the stray hairs of his face. Aemond and Anakin had a very special bond. He brings his hands to the sides of his sons face, making him look at him through his teary eyes.

Aemond: Everything that your Muña and I are doing. Is for the safety of our children. *wipes Anakins tears away* Listen to me byka zaldrīzes. (Mother, little Dragon)
Anakin: *sniffles*
Aemond: The day that I married your Muña. Was one of the best days of my life. The night of our wedding, I dreamt of you, Anakin.
Anakin: *looks up*
Aemond: I woke up in the middle of the night, and I saw this beautiful, little boy standing there. And he looked just like my Ahsoka. Even had the same moles around the eyes.
Anakin: You dreamt about me?
Aemond: Yes. You were beautiful, you are beautiful, my boy. I know you're afraid. It's alright to be afraid. But we should not let fear cloud us. The only way to stop fear is to face it.
Anakin: B.. But what if I'm not strong enough?
Aemond: *sigh* You have more strength than you realize. More power than you realize. Your mother is the Queen. *lifts his chin* You. Are the heir to the Iron Throne now.
Anakin: *eyes widen*
Aemond: You are the future King. And you will hold a power unparalleled to any other nation in the world. And you will have a responsibility to protect everyone who kneels to you just like your mother. We must carry on her legacy. We must uphold ourselves to her standard.
Anakin: What does that mean?
Aemond: You will come to understand. *connects foreheads* In time.

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