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138 AC. Driftmark

A/N. Ahsokas children's ages
Anakin is 8, Aries and Aisha are 7,
Axton, Arsema, and Armond are 5,
Adrik, Avrend, and Araketh are 3,
Aeson is 1, and Ashara is a newborn. Two months old.

"Sometimes those with the most power have the least grace." -Petyr Baelish (Little Finger)

Driftmark is the largest island in Blackwater Bay. It is a low-lying and fertile island named after driftwood brought by the tides. Settlements on the island have included the castles of Driftmark and High Tide, the towns Hull and Spicetown, and shipyards. Driftmark was settled by House Velaryon prior to the arrival of House Targaryen at Dragonstone. Ships from Driftmark allowed the Velaryons to control the middle of the narrow sea prior to Aegon's Conquest. Shortly after the death of her husband, King Aenys I Targaryen, Queen Alyssa Velaryon brought her children to Castle Driftmark. When King Maegor I Targaryen lay comatose after a trial of seven, Alyssa proclaimed on Driftmark that her son, Prince Aegon Targaryen, was the true king. After the Poor Fellows were defeated by Maegor at the Great Fork of the Blackwater, Alyssa and her Velaryon kin left Driftmark and submitted to Maegor in King's Landing. Many merchants traded at Driftmark instead of King's Landing to avoid the taxes of Lord Edwell Celtigar, the master of coin for King Jaehaerys I Targaryen. Because the ancestral castle Driftmark was damp and cramped, Lord Corlys Velaryon constructed a new castle on the opposite side of the island to house the Driftwood Throne: High Tide, so-called because it was built on a tidal island only linked to Driftmark at low tide. As the island prospered from Lord Corlys's wealth, two large port towns grew on up the coasts of Driftmark: Hull beneath Castle Driftmark and Spicetown beneath High Tide.

Master of Driftmark, or Lord of Driftmark, is a title held by the ruler of the island Driftmark in Blackwater Bay. The title is traditionally held by the head of House Velaryon, along with their primary title of Lord of the Tides. Traditionally. Lord Vaemond had always sought out recognition where he did not deserve it. His ambition to take over as Lord of The Tides after his brother. He argues that he was the only natural choice due to Rhaenyras bastards. But this wasn't going how he imagined it would. He forgot about Corlys's love for his granddaughter. The trueborn daughter of House Velaryon and Targaryen.

Vaemond: You can not be serious, brother!
Corlys: But I am. And that is the end of it.
Vaemond: You wish to give Driftmark, our ancestoral home to that.. that *interrupted*
Corlys: *chokes Vaemond* Say another word. *struggling* I have grown tiresome. You bore me, brother. * let's go*
Vaemond: *drops/gasps for air*

"One more word about Ahsoka or her children. I shall remove your tongue." Corlys walks off, leaving his brother to gather himself. Vaemond grew to hate his brother over the years. As well as his life on Driftmark. Since Ahsokas' family moved here, he had been on edge. He enjoyed the few years of peace Hightide had without the disturbance of magic. But now that his great niece and her children had taken residence in his home... he loathed it. He hated the constant rain, dragons flying everywhere, leaving their shit laying around quite literally. He hated how when he went to the library, Prince Aemond and his daughter Princess Aisha were in his usual spot overlooking the ocean view. He hated how when he went to the training yard, Aemond and Ahsoka were there with their children. Along with Laenor and Corlys. Vaemond felt that his house was running to the ground. He always had.

Ahsoka was nursing her youngest, Princess Ashara, while talking to her grandmother Princess Rhaenys regarding the latest hatchlings Ahsoka brought to life. Asharas dragon hatched two weeks after her arrival, and it was a beautiful red male dragon. Each and every one of eggs given to Ahsokas children hatched. Making a total of sixteen dragons under House Velaryon. The dragons reside on an island a few miles away due to the lack of space for them all. As the conversation between grandparent and child went on, Rhaenys couldn't help but think of the times from Ahsokas youth. There's so much she's had to endure. So much she had gained. Much she has lost as well. Rhaenys always enjoyed the presence of her granddaughter. But now, with her founded motherhood, it seemed their connection only grew.

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