Making Moves

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131 AC. Kings Landing

It was a few weeks later, and Ahsoka had just been told she was fully healed and allowed to join Aemond in their marriage bed once more. "I shall go tell Prince Aemond of your recovery." The maester said. Ahsoka quickly stopped him by asking if he would wait a bit after she left before going to look for him, to which he agreed. Ahsoka swiftly made her way back to her chambers to find Cregan and Elaena with her children.

Ahsoka: Ah.
C&E: *simultaneously* Dragon. Ahsoka.
Ahsoka: What are you two doing in here, hm?
Elaena: Uhh *looks to Cregan*
Cregan: We. Were. *looks back at Elaena*
Elaena: I heard Aisha fussing.
Cregan: Right. And. With three babes, I thought *interrupted*
Ahsoka: Right... and where is Lion?
Cregan: Drinking with Aegon at a tavern in the city.
Ahsoka: Mhmm. So... have you laid with one another yet?

Cregan and Elaena go wide-eyed. Looking back and forth from each other to Ahsoka to is laughing.

Ahsoka: *chuckles* I am not slow, you know. I am smart enough to realize that the two of you have feelings for each other. And don't worry, I promise not to say anything.

Cregan looks somewhat relieved that Ahsoka knows. Elaena isn't all that pleased. "Are alright Elaena?" Ahsoka asks. Truth is, she wishes she wasn't falling for Cregan, but she indeed was. She knew that if anyone found out, she'd be seen as a whore. With Cregan, all he saw was a beautiful woman that he wanted. But with every advance, she pulled back a bit.

Elaena: I don't want anyone to find out.
Ahsoka: I will not tell anyone.
Elaena: Ahsoka, please, I mean it.
Cregan: What's wrong, love? Please talk to me.
Ahsoka: I shall keep your secret... Wh.. What is this about?
Elaena: You just don't understand.
Ahsoka: *grabs her hands* I know I do not understand. But as your friend, I wish to.
Cregan: As do I. *caresses Elaenas face*
Elaena: *sighs/whispers* I am a bastard. I can not be seen with a noble.
Cregan: *embraces Elaena* My little wolf...
Ahsoka: Elaena, I love you, and I will *stops abruptly/turns head*
Elaena: Ahso *interrupted*
Ahsoka: *eyes flash/puts finger to lips* Shh...

Ahsoka turns and walks to the door. Upon opening it, she encounters none other than Lord Larys Strong. He is startled by the immediate appearance of the Princess.

 He is startled by the immediate appearance of the Princess

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Ahsoka: My Lord?
Larys: *quick breaths* Princess Ahsoka.
Ahsoka: May I help you?
Larys: I was hoping for a word.
Ahsoka: *tilts head*
Larys: That was quite the performance on Prince Anakins nameday. To then have your husband husband ask the King to seat you on the Iron Throne...
Ahsoka: *says nothing/blank stare*
Larys: Quite the moves you are making Pri *interrupted*
Ahsoka: My intentions during the performance were to present my family. I had nothing to do with the storm breaking or the sun shining through. As for my husband. I have spoken to him about his outburst and what it could mean. Rest assured, it won't happen again.
Larys: To be the first ruling *interrupted*
Ahsoka: I have no intention to be Queen. That role is set upon my mother's shoulders. Now. Good day. *starts to turn*
Larys: *stops her* Why not?
Ahsoka: *turns back around* Why not?
Larys: Why do you say to have no ambition for the throne? To have such power *interrupted*
Ahsoka: *eyes flash/voice distorts* I have enough power. *normal voice* I don't need more. Good day. *turns*
Larys: *stops her* To be as powerful as you *interrupted*
Ahsoka: *turns* Ambition is good. But too much of it will get one killed.
Larys: Wise, I suppose...
Ahsoka: What do you really want?

Larys eyes up the Princess, sending disgust to take over her emotions.

Larys: You seem to have no love for Princess Rhaenyra or Prince Jacaerys. At the same time, you do seem to have a tender spot for the queens children.
Ahsoka: *narrows gaze* You're nothing if not calculated, aren't you.
Larys: Princess?
Ahsoka: I have no love for my mother and brother, so would I perhaps declare for another? Say... Aegon? Aemond?
Larys: I did not *interrupted*
Ahsoka: Of course not. But with my gifts, I would be a valuable ally. What was it you spoke? *clicks tongue* Yes. "If she is the problem, she has to be the solution."

Larys' gaze turns shocked as well as curious. He knows the conversation to which she is referring. But how did she hear him say that? She was in the stepstones. Ahsoka turns and walks back to her door. Before closing it, she turns back around to meet the gaze of Larys Strong. "My Lord? Do not ever walk through these corridors again." With the wave of her hand, the doors slam shut on their own. Ahsoka walks to her friends before listening to see if he has left. Once she knows he is gone, she looks up to Cregan and Elaena, "I just closed that for dramatic effect. But I really need you both to leave. After I feed my children." Ahsoka picks up Aries and turns away from Cregan and Elaena before she starts to feed him. She loves the satisfaction that etched onto the faces of her children when they started to drink from her breasts. Now that she thinks of it... Aemond had the same satisfied look when he drank from her. It had become something that Ahsoka had started to get used to seeing that since Aemond first had a taste, he has been asking for more. She once woke up to find him suckling on her left breast. "You looked as if you were in pain today, my love." He said to her when she woke. She hasn't been as uncomfortable with her breasts since Aemond has started doing it. She was still over developing milk, so she wasn't complaining.

After Ahsoka fed her children, she sent them to the nursery with Cregan and Elaena. She knew it was only a matter of time before Aemond learned of her health and come rushing to their apartments. She had a bath drawn in their private bathroom and sent the maids on their way. Wearing nothing but her blue silk robe, she pours her signature lavender and jasmine oil into the steaming waters. The smell alone makes Aemond go crazy. Ever since he was a child, he adored the lavender scent that emitted from Ahsoka. The jasmine oil she started to use alongside the lavender in her mature years made him want to take her every time he smelled her. Everything about Ahsoka was just intoxicating to Aemond. She slips into the large marble bathtub that is big enough to fit two and enjoys the scolding water connecting with her flesh. As she rests her head back, she hears her door open. She can hear the stop of her husbands footsteps and the sound of him taking a deep whiff of the fumes roaming around the room. "What have we here?" He says in a playful tone.


A/N. Next chapter will be a direct continuation. And it will be a smut chapter. Ta Ta 👋🏾

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