The Kings Of Winter

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138 AC. Westeros

Kings Landing

Ahsoka said her goodbyes. But before she left, she went to see Elaena. She hasn't left her chambers since that day on Dragonstone. After Ahsokas coronation, she gave Elaena quarters worthy of a princess. Low and behold, she technically was one her entire life. Ahsoka made her way down the halls and took in every bow that was sent her way. She was used to the respect of a princess, but this was different. She was the Queen. She herself wore the crown she herself sat the throne. She came upon Elaena chambers and knocked at the door. "Elaena? I am leaving for Winterfell. May we speak?" She received no answer. "Elaena. I can not possibly understand what you're going through. But I am here for you. Please." Still no answer. Ahsoka started to move away before she heard the sound of the door opening.

Elaena: You're going north?
Ahsoka: I am going to speak with Lord Rickon. He may declare for Jacaerys.
Elaena: Cregan? *sniffles*
Ahsoka: He is the only thing keeping him from kneeling to my brother. If I am going to change his mind, it needs to come from me.
Elaena: *nods/looks down*
Ahsoka: Elaena. What do you know about dragons?
Elaena: *looks up* What do you mean?
Ahsoka: Did you know there was a belief in House Targaryen. That each dragon only bonded with a person if the soul matched one another.
Elaena: So?
Ahsoka: Well, the thing with Grey Ghost *interrupted*
Elaena: Just Ghost.

Ahsoka took notice of Elaenas tone. It was almost like she was defending the dragon. It was interesting seeing their connection grow already. "He's able to blend in when in dangerous territory. Like you. I put you amongst the most evil of people. Anything could've happened to you. I am so sorry." She said to her. Grey Ghost was pale grey-white, the color of morning mist. He was a notably shy dragon who avoided men and their works for years at a time. His avoidance of people and his ability to hide in clouds and mist gave him his name. Ghost preferred to feed on fish and was often glimpsed flying low over the narrow sea, snatching prey from the waters. He made his lair in a smoking vent high on the eastern side of the Dragonmont. He was never claimed nor ridden by any man and was one the three wild dragons of Dragonstone, along with Sheepstealer and the Cannibal. The latter is his former residence. After their talk, she left for Winterfell.

 After their talk, she left for Winterfell

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Lord Rickon Stark was an old man who didn't wish to subject his family to another war, but when the time came, Currently The Starks as well as other bannermen, are listening to the petition from Daemon Targaryen.

Daemon: King Jacaerys Targaryen was the chosen heir or the late Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen. He has grown up on Dragonstone under the teachings of Rhaenyra. He rides a dragon born from the clutch of Syrax, her graces mount. He is every bit Targaryen she was.
Rickon: Prince Daemon. I understand the choice that Princess Rhaenyra made. *distant roaring*
Daemon: Then it should be no issue.
Cregan: But it is.
Daemon: There has never lived a Stark who broke an oath.
Cregan: I am loyal to Ahsoka and Ahsoka alone.
Rickon: Hold your tongue, lad.
Cregan: From what I remember, Prince Jacaerys was a drunken, envious, and loathsome man. How would he make a better ruler than Ahsoka?

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