Small Council

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138 AC. Kings Landing

"LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!" The crowd screamed at the top of their lungs

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"LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!" The crowd screamed at the top of their lungs. Ahsoka stood up front and held Aemonds hand. "King Aemond!" A few people yelled out from the crowd. Aemond felt a warm feeling at the scene. "My Queen." Aemond said to her. Ahsoka looked back at her father, Ser Laenor, to find him tearing up. Her grandmother Rhaenys was the first to walk up to her. She held her face with the touch of a loving grandmother. "You have done what I could not." Rhaenys said. Alicent, Aegon, Helaena, and their children all came running over to their new Queen. Ahsoka gave an embrace to an eleven nameday old Maelor. "You'll he a great Queen, Aunt Blue." He said to her. Ahsoka looked up to see Lord Otto Hightower red with anger. And then there's you... She thought to herself.

Not long after, Queen Ahsoka enters the small council chambers. She walked slowly to the "Kings Chair," which was now her chair.  She ran her fingers over the wooden dragon carvings and memories of her sitting at her grandsires feet playing while he worked came to her mind. How Viserys would always put aside his kingly duties to play with her. A tear ran down Ahsokas' cheek before the voice of Lord Larys Strong interrupted her.

Larys: Your grace. *bows*
Ahsoka: *sniffles* My Lord.
Larys: For someone who didn't want to be Queen. You sure do wear it well.
Ahsoka: *sighs* Take a seat. Await the rest of the council. *looks out the window*
Larys: *sits* Your Grace?
Ahsoka: *eye roll* Yes. My Lord Strong?
Larys: I am looking forward to building a strong bond with you. As I have with the Dowager Queen.
Ahsoka: Hm.
Larys: My Queen *interrupted*

The doors open to reveal the other members of the council. Along with Aegon and Helaena. Aemond and Anakin. Laenor, Rhaenys, and Qarl. Ahsoka turns around and is met with a bow from the room. "Your Grace." They all say. That's gonna take some getting used to. Ahsoka thought to herself.

Ahsoka: *clears throat* Welcome. Members of the council. Please sit.

Ahsoka follows after with Aemond pulling out the seat at the head of the table so Ahsoka can sit.

Ahsoka: Thank you, husband.
Aemond: *seductively* Your Grace.
Ahsoka: *smirks/sits*
Tyland: Your Grace, may I just say how happy we are to *interrupted*
Ahsoka: While I am sure that was a well rehearsed line, my Lord... I would like to skip any and all pleasantries. It comes to my understanding... that the members of the small council sought to instill my brother Aegon as King. Despite the Kings orders...
Otto: Pri *clears throat* Your Grace... I *interrupted*
Ahsoka: Yes... You. Just as Lord Strong. Lannister. Wylde. And even you, Maester Orwyle.
Orwyle: *shakes head*
Ahsoka: You delivered three of my children, did you not?
Orwyle: Your Grace I.. I *interrupted*
Ahsoka: You... You. I need a council that will not go behind my back. Poisoning my mind with milk of the poppy when they should be assisting my rule.
Otto: The King was *interrupted*
Ahsoka: Do not speak...

Aemond stood next to Ahsoka with Anakin in front of him. His hands rest on Anakins shoulders to make sure he's calm.

Ahsoka: Lord Otto Hightower. Lord Larys Strong. Lord Tyland Lannister. Lord Wylde. And Maester Orwyle... I Queen Ahsoka First of my name. Hereby, remove you all from the small council *Otto stands abruptly* effective immediately.
Otto: You can not do this.
Aemond: She is the Queen.
Ahsoka: I can do whatever I want.

Ahsoka stands and snatches the pin from Otto. "You men thought you could take what's rightfully mine... You thought you could rule a little longer by instilling Prince Aegon... No."

Otto: Your Grace *interrupted*
Ahsoka: *whispers* Your ambition will be the death of you. *normal* You all will return to your homes.
Wylde: Your Grace *interrupted*
Ahsoka: You all are lucky I am not executing you for treason... you will leave.
Otto: And who will you get to help you, hm? Do you plan to rule on your own?

A knock at the door replaces everyone's attention. The doors open to reveal Mysaria "The White Worm." Elaenas mother.

Otto: What is she doing here?
Ahsoka: *walks back to her seat* Welcome Lady Mysaria.
Mysaria: Your Grace. *curtseys* Thank you for inviting me.
Ahsoka: As of now. Lady Mysaria shall join my council as Mistress of Whispers.
Men: *murmurs*
Otto: Outrageous!
Ahsoka: Shhh! Lord Lannister? When you return home, tell your son Ser Jaxton to come to Kings Landing with his family at once. He shall serve as Master of Coin.
Tyland: *tries to speak/interrupted*
Ahsoka: If the Gods are good, my grandfather shall heal soon. And as soon as he is able. He will come to Kings Landing and serve as Master of Ships. Father?
Laenor: Your Grace?
Ahsoka: You are to be my Master of Laws.
Laenor: I.. I am grateful. My Queen.
Ahsoka: Ser Qarl? You are to be the Lord Commander of The Queens Guard.
Qarl: *bows* Your Grace.
Ahsoka: And after discussion with my mother. Prince Daemon Targaryen will seat the council as Master of War.
Laenor: Fitting...
Otto: You need a Hand. Your Grace.

Ahsoka stands back up. She takes a couple of steps towards the person who she wants to be her hand. Former Queen Alicent.

Alicent: Ahsoka?
Ahsoka: You have run this Kingdom without recognition for years. You've taken care of all of us. Will you accept?
Otto: Alicent.
Alicent: *looks at her father, then Ahsoka/nods*
Otto: *breathe hitches*
Ahsoka: Well then. Lady Alicent Hightower. *pins badge on her* I name you Hand of The Queen.

The first time in history, a woman has sat the Iron Throne. And now, the first time a woman was named Hand. The first time women were recognized on the Small Council. Alicentstarteds to tear up as she curtseys before Ahsoka. Her Queen. Ahsoka dismisses the rest of the old council. But before she let's them go. Some parting advice. "My Lords. If I ever hear word of any of you plotting my downfall... I will kill all of you. No dragonfire, no magic... just my sword. This is your only warning. Oh. And when the time comes. I will expect your full support. Now leave my city. And never return." The new members of the council took their seats. Ahsoka at the head of the table with Aemond and Anakin sitting next to her. Alicent on the left of Ahsoka. Then Ser Laenor, Ser Qarl, Lady Mysaria, and the four remaining seats for Master of Ships, Corlys, Master of War, Daemon, Master of Coin, Jaxton, and a seat for a new High Maester.

Ahsoka: Now. Let us discuss the upcoming conflict...
Alicent: Your Grace. Your mother, Princess Rhaenyra, will not be happy about this.
Ahsoka: No, I do not expect she will be... However, my real concern is Prince Jacaerys... he will be out for blood.
Aemond: And he will find it if need me.
Ahsoka: Aemond. We need to do this with diligence. A wrong move will mean the death of us.
Anakin: Is grandmother going to fight us?
Ahsoka: No. I do not think so, my boy... But it's not your grandmother I worry about... tis your uncle.

The small council meeting went on for a while. Deliberation and ideas thrown around the room. Eventually, it was decided to send an envoy to Dragonstone led by Lady Hand Alicent. Ahsoka knew the war was coming. But would Rhaenyra really fight her? Kill her? Kill her children? Who they meet on Dragonstone, however, isn't who they think.


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