Chapter 26

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I sit across from Elizabeth and Reginald as Lucius pace back and forth.

"Mom, dad. I want you to tell me the truth. For years I asked about my parents and for years you refused to tell me anything. Now I want the truth."

"We can't tell you that Lucius,"Reginald said.

"Fucking tell me!" I flinch as the chandelier rattled. "My mate is in danger I want to know everything. I'm so close to losing my shit. Look at her!"

He look at me and my jaws drop. Dark veins were around his eyes that were blood red.

"You're going to tell me right now, who my parents are. You're going to start from the very top. Do not lie to me."

"They are royals,"Reginald said. "You're fifty thousand years old."

The cup almost fell from my hand.

"You're joking right?"I asked. "He can't be that old."

"Lucius is immortal. Everytime his mortal parents died, his memory got rearranged so he will think his new parents has always been his parents and nothing would look strange."

"Who are my parents?"

"They are demons. You're the son of Queen Talia and King Octavius."

"I have a wolf."

"Yeah. That happen after you were born. Your uncle tried to kill you since you are the true heir. He kill your brother and your sister. He tried to kill your mom when she was pregnant with you."

"Why is a shadow coming after Del?"

"What shadow?"

"It tried to kill Del in her sleep."

Reginald stood up and pace. He look terrified. I never see him like that before.

"What is it dad?"

"When you were born your father give you a guardian. It only awaken when you're in danger or when someone close to you is. You're in love with Delythena so she gain it as a protector too. You didn't have a weakness until she came along so she is the one it's protecting."

Setting the cup down I wrap my arms around my body. Not alot of things can scare me but having someone try to kill me is a sure way to go.

Why me anyways? I can't see how I would threaten whatever those crazies are planning. I have better things to do than tried to ruin anyone's life. I have a life of my own so I keep my nose in mine and out of others.

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