Chapter 33

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I tighten my cufflinks and walk to the middle of the aisle. It's traditional to meet the bride in the middle then walk the rest of the way to the priest.

The bridesmaids came in and then Beautiful in White started to play.

My eyes were glued to the double door as I wait for my blushing bride. When the door open its like seeing an angel. She is stunning.

Now I see what 4 million look like in dress form. I hope it's not too heavy for her.

Dad walk her down the aisle. She was a little sad that her dad couldn't witness this special day so dad stepped in and accompany her. He even wear her father's tie so a piece of him is there. Dad love Del like a daughter so I wasn't that surprise.

She got to me and I take her hand.

I give dad a nod and turn around.


"You look beautiful."

"Thank you." I know she's nervous. Which doesn't happen often.

We walk the rest of the way to the priest. "Deep breaths Amica Mea."

"Sorry if my hands are sweaty."

"That's OK."

We turn to the priest and he begun. Unfortunately I didn't hear much of what he said. Not sorry. I have a better picture beside me.

"Do you have your vows?" I snapped back to reality and nod.

Oh I wrote a vow. I sit nights writing and throwing away.

"Amica Mea, I stand here before our family and friends, ready to commit my life to you in the bond of marriage. I vow to love and cherish you, to support and encourage you in all your endeavors, to be by your side through the highs and lows of life.
I promise to be faithful and true, to honor and respect you, to be your partner in all things.
I pledge to listen to you, to communicate openly and honestly, to always strive to understand and empathize with your feelings. I will laugh with you, cry with you, and be your rock when you need me. I promise to continue growing and evolving as a person, and to support your growth and evolution as well.
I vow to be your equal, your confidant, your lover, and your best friend. I am honored to call you my wife, and I will cherish and protect you for all the days of my life. I love you more than words can express, and I am grateful beyond measure to have you by my side. With this ring, I thee wed, and I give you my heart and soul as a symbol of my commitment to you.
I love you now and forever."

I slide the ring onto her finger.

"I take you to be my partner in love and life, to cherish our bond and support you in strife. I promise to laugh with you and wipe away tears, to stand by your side through the coming years. I vow to be faithful and honest with you, to communicate openly and always be true. I promise to love you through good times and bad, to share in your joys and help when you're sad. I pledge to be your rock and your biggest fan, to lift you up when you need a hand. I promise to respect you and honor your dreams, to build a life together, no matter how it seems. I take you as my husband, my partner, my friend, and pledge to be with you until the very end.
I make these vows to you, my heart and soul, to love and cherish you, making us whole."

She slide the ring onto my finger and the priest pronounce us man and wife.

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