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"Black jeans..." I mumbled while walking slowly on the street.

"White undershirt...and white-red long sleeve check shirt..." Aish! It's very difficult to find though. What if that guy didn't come around and went somewhere else. How could I find him then?

I continued to walk until I saw a shop, a flower shop. I stood there staring at the small pots of plants and flowers. They're cute.

I remembered, unnie liked to grow plants a lot. She liked to water those plants with Joon in her small green house. I smiled opening the door and greeted the shop owner.

"Hello. What do you want? Plants or flowers?"

"Just a small pot of houseplant." I said smiling.

"There they are. You can choose then." She said. I nodded and walked to the shelf that full with pot of plants.

I chose a pot of cactus. I smiled picking it up and went to pay. But before I could take out my purse, someone handed the shop owner the money. I looked up and found Taejun smiling widely at me.

"Hi?" Taejun said grinning. .

"It's ok. I'm going to pay for it."

"My kind"

"Thanks" I said blushing. I didn't know why I could not control my feeling when I was around him. Sometimes, I thought I liked him but sometimes I found that it's just a good feeling toward him, nothing more.

"Where are you going to do after this?" He asked as we walked out of the shop.

"I don't know too. No target today. What are you doing here by the way?"

"I want to buy something and when I was passing by the shop I saw you. If you don't know what to do, mind to join me and my friends at my house? We have a small party there." He suggested.

"Is it ok? I'll not good..."

"Don't worry, there're girls too. And they also know you."

"They know me?"

"Yes. I always tell them about you."

"Te...tell them about me?"

"You're my friend, so I want them to know you too."


"Kaja!" He said taking the pot from my hands and opened the door for me. I hesitated but got in the car. He said I was his friend, right? Don't think a lot, Chae.

"Actually, we were studying together and then it becomes to be a party."


Taejun parked his car in front of a big mansion. It's as big as Suga oppa's house too. He's rich though.

"Welcome. Make yourself at home, kay?"

"Your house is so beautiful."

"It's not my house."


"It's my daddy's house."


"You smile though."

Taejun leaded me to the garden at the back of the house. There, I saw three guys and two girls. They were sitting on a mat with many books around.

"Hey guys!!!" Taejun called out. They turned to us and smiled.

"Let's go!" He said taking my hand.

"You must be Chae, right?" A girl with long brown hair asked with a wide grin. She's beautiful.

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