Her Parents

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"Ahk, I don't want to eat that food. It makes me wanna puke." I whined seeing the fish and bacon. Jungkook frowned looking at me. We were in the restaurant having our late breakfast but I didn't want to eat anything and those food made me want to throw up.

"Then what do you want?" Jungkook asked calmly.

"I'm not hungry though."

"You can't skip breakfast and it's late already." His tone became serious.

"I don't want to eat...Nah, I'm not hungry. Let's skip to lunch." I pouted.

"Eat and we'll go to the hospital after this."

"I'm totally fine. No need to go to the hospital." I said still pouting and pushed the plate away.

"Chae" He hissed staring straight to me.

"Nah..." I shook my head stubbornly.

"Stop being so stubborn. You know that it's not good to skip breakfast." He said trying to be calm.

"..." I didn't say anything and grabbed the spoon. Jungkook started to eat too. Before I could take the first spoon, my phone rang in my bag. I took it out and found Ken was calling.

"Ah, I almost forget that I have to accompany Ken today." I said biting my lips and picked the line. Jungkook raised his eye brow at me.

"Hello, Ken" I said cheerfully sticking my tongue at my frowning husband.

'Hello, Chae. I just want to make sure if you remember what I had talked to you a few days ago'

"Of course" Jungkook put his spoon down and crossed his arms staring at me.

'Then, when you can go out with me?'

"Wait... Jungkook, can I go with Ken after this?" I asked him.

"It's up to you." He said carelessly and went back to eat.

"Ok...Ken, I'm at the xxx restaurant now. You can pick me up from here. I'm free until the evening because my parent coming to Korea today."

'Oh, Good. I'll be there soon'

"Ok, bye" I said putting my phone down and looked at Jungkook who was busy with his phone.

"So...I'm going with Ken and you can go to work."

"Are you sure you're fine?" Although his tone was cold but it still full of worry.

"Yes, I'm fine" I smiled at him. Jungkook sighed and nodded.

"Jungkook ..."

"Hm?" He said didn't even take his eyes off his phone.

"Aren't you...jealous?" I asked unsurely.


"Then, why you let me go with him?" I asked staring at him. Jungkook raised his head to look at me.

"I'll be a selfish jerk, if I don't let you go." He had a point. I nodded and started to eat but something just ran up from my stomach to my throat as the smell of the food hit my nose. I quickly covered my mouth and ran to the restroom.

"Chae..." Jungkook quickly followed me but he had to stop at the door since it's women's restroom.

I washed my mouth after threw up and walked out of the restroom. Jungkook was waiting for me with his hands in his pockets and quickly walked toward me with worried face.

"What's wrong?" He asked seeing my pale face.

"I'm fine. Maybe because I didn't sleep well last night." I said lowly walking toward our table.

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