Because you're my fiancé

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After the dinner, I was left with that jerk and our families went home first. We were forced to be together though. I didn't satisfied with the idea at all. Seeing that Jerk's face made me wanna faint already and riding in his car made me wanna kill myself before he killed me with his fast speed driving.

"Let's go." He said getting up. I didn't say anything but walked behind him. He walked in front of me handsomely with his hands in his pockets. Girls were checking him out already but who care? I was very difficult walking in the heels and long dress.

"Are you a turtle brat or what? Come on." He turned to me nagging. I blew my bang glaring at him. Didn't he see my condition? Selfish jerk!

"Stop using only your mouth and see what state I am in, Jerk." I said frowning. He stared at me and then my high heels as I walked on toward him. He unbuttoned his jacket and loosen his tie then unbutton the top button of his white shirt. Aw sexy! Don't do that, the girls would get nosebleed, you know?

"I forget to tell you something..." He said as we walked beside each other. He walked slowly to catch my slow pace.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You're beautiful tonight." He said softly. I skipped to breathe a second.

"I'm serious but the fact that you're a brat covers everything up already" His next sentence made me wanna punch his beautiful face.

"Jerk!" I yelled in his face and waked a head.

And I was hesitated to get into his car. It's better there because it was not the same car last day.

"Don't worry, I don't kill you this time." He said getting in the car with a smirk. I let out a sigh and got in.

I didn't know if he was trying to mock me or not but he really drove his car slowly with the roof opened. I smiled as the wind hit my face gently. I inhaled hard taking fresh air in with my eyes close. It's been a while though.

"So...what do you think about our marriage?" He asked softly. I opened my eyes turning to look at him. He didn't look at me but the road. I was stunned by his image. His side face was really fine, the more I looked the more I got attracted to him. He was just perfect with his cold personality if we didn't think about his jerk selfish self.

"I know I'm perfect, no need to show me. If you keep looking at me like that you may fall for me, you know?" See, so into himself.

"Tch!" I hissed turning away.

"Our marriage is arranged. It's not enjoyable for me at all."

"But I enjoy."


"You know, hurting that bastard is enjoyable. Marrying you is a best way to hurt him." He said carelessly.

"'re such a heartless." I said. He parked the car along the Han River.

"They made me who I am today." He said taking off his jacket and threw it to the back. Rolling up his sleeves to his elbows got out of the car and walked toward the bank of the river. I sighed following him. I stared at his long back and loneliness suddenly sunk into my heart. I felt he's such a lonely, weak...he's just showing us his strong side. I remember what Unnie told me, maybe I should find out about him more. The first thing I could see about him was 'lack of love'. He never accepted his family's caring toward him, he ignored it all the time until he thought that no one in his family cares about him. I sighed stepping to stand beside him.

"Why can't you see that your stepmother really loves you like you're her own son? I can see her caring toward you in the meeting earlier."

"It's fake."

"It's because you never ever try to accept it..."

"You don't know anything"

"It may be true for now but I'll find out soon. And I'll prove that she and your step brothers are really innocent."

"How many times you meet her? Why so sure you'll see her good side instead of how evil she is? Tell you, getting into my'll face many cruel things from her."

"..." I frowned with his meaning.

"But don't worry...I'll protect you because you're going to be my wife and you're the only thing I can use to hurt that bastard... hurting Taejun is like hurting that witch..." He said caressing my cheek with his thumb. That pissed me off. What am I? Thing? Weapon? It hurt me.

"You're crazy." I really wanted to push his hand away but I could not. It's like he was putting some magic to freeze me. He lowered his head to see my teary eyes. I didn't know why I wanted to cry, tears just beaming in my eyes unknowingly.

"In the name of my'll face that fate...sometime hurt, sometime tears and sometime pleasure..." He said softly looking down at me. I looked up staring into his clear brown eyes and found that his eyes were so tender not like his usual empty eyes.

"But...believe me, it's not forever. I promise my grandpa and your parent to take care of I have to do it. I know...I hurt you by using you to hurt Taejun. But I promise to stop once it's over..." He whispered and with that his lips landed on mine with his left hand on my neck and right hand on my waist. He kissed me gently. It's such in a romantic drama. I could feel his soft lips and it felt good and warm. Not rough, it's real not fake like he was trying to hurt Taejun. I didn't know why, but I really liked it.

"This time not for hurting anyone...I kiss you because you're my fiancé." He said after we broke apart. I lowered my head down as I felt heat rushed through my whole body because of embarrassment. Didn't dare to stare into his eyes at all.

"It's ok if you want to fall for're going to fall anyway." He said smirking. I pushed him turning my head away. Shh, it's so embarrassing though. I could not let him kiss me like that. Aish! With that thought I heard him chuckled. I turned to glare at him with my red face. He was having fun teasing me.

"Not in the million years!"

"Wanna bet?"



"Why are you doing this to me?."

"Because we're going to marry...we have no choice but to love each other one day...and forever, believe me." Why? Why he said that to me? Love each other? Could we?

I was dumbfounded standing there stared into his eyes, he also stared back with his small smile at the corner of his lips. I really didn't understand about him...really confused...

That night I could not sleep well at all, I was thinking over about That Jerk. When did he knew that I was his fiancé? I tried to recall all the times when I was finding him in blind date. Most of the time, I met that Jerk but I didn't even notice his outfits at all. Aish! Babo me! As if I knew from the first place that he was my fiancé I would reject this arranged marriage as well but for now, my parent would kill me for sure if I refused the marriage. It's not late but I could not do that either. That jerk too, he knew it all along but he could keep calm and teased me. But...did he mean what he did to me at the Han river? He's really serious? Urggg, really confused with the feeling. I touched my lips feeling warm thinking about his kisses. It was good and I admitted I like it. Never ever think that I could see sweet side of that jerk. He was really sweet back then.

'This time not for hurting anyone...I kiss you because you're my fiancé' That sentence made me smile unknowingly.

'Because we're going to marry...we have no choice but to love each other one day...and forever, believe me'. Could we? Could we love each other after marriage? I didn't think I could love a jerk like him. What about Taejun? I remembered I told him to wait for me. Right! I loved Taejun not That Jerk. Plus, Jeon Jungkook was a jerk, monster...he's so cruel, he had no heart to love anyone. What if he said those sweet thing because he just wanted to hurt Taejun and his mother. Yes, he was good to me because he wanted to use me to hurt his stepmother and Taejun. He did everything just to get his revenge though. Aish, I should not let him do like that. I would not let him use me as a weapon. Whatever happen, I'll fight against him to protect innocent people like Taejun and his mother. Let's see, Cruel Jerk!

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