His Work

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Morning came and I woke up to see myself in Jungkook's warm embrace and I was in his white shirt too. I bit my lips as my cheeks heated up. I gently took his hand from my waist afraid it might wake him up.

"Stay" His one serious word made me let out a sigh and laid back on his arm. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tighter.

"Can't....breathe..." I mumbled and he loosen his arms a bit.

"You have to work and I have to study..." I said pouting.

"You should quit." He said carelessly. There were nothing in his tone like it was just a normal thing to quit from school.

"You gotta be kidding me."

"I'm serious"

"I know you're not kidding but don't you think it's just too much?"

"Then, how many times I need to tell you not to let Sekyung hurt you?"


"I can take care of that, is that what you want to tell me?"

"Aish! It's not good to fight in the early morning." I said getting up but he held my waist.

"Jungkook ..." I signed with my back face him. He didn't say anything but kept my waist in his arms. Well, stubborn as always.

"Jungkook ...do I need to repeat that I have to go to school?" I said with firm voice.

"And do I need to repeat that you don't have to go to school?" I felt his breath on my neck.

"Don't be stubborn, Jungkook." I said elbowing his stomach but he held my arm with his free hand.

"I'm not stubborn, you're the one who didn't get what I said." He put his chin on my shoulder with his arms wrapped around my body.

"Seriously, Jungkook. You're being so childish."

"You'll regret calling me childish." As he finished his sentence he pushed me to the bed and got on top as well. I got shock and stared at him with my wide eyes.

"Remember last night?" He whispered. I gulped running out of words as my cheeks heated up.

"Er..." I stuttered pushing his shoulders. He smirked staring into my eyes. His orbs were full of fun when he tried to tease me and when I blushed.

"Jungkook ..."

"Yep?" He raised his eyebrow.

"I think...you're late for work..."

"Aish, you no fun. I'm going to school with you." He said pecking my lips and got up.


"You heard me right" He said walking into the bathroom. I was dumbfounded.

"Why you want to go to school out of sudden?" I asked as we were walking in the halfway.

"I can't go to school?" He asked back with that playful eyes.

"Just wonder. Can't you just answer instead of asking back?" I said pouting.

"You go to school and you don't wor....opps." I didn't have a chance to finish my sentence as Jungkook suddenly turned to peck my lips. Aish! Why out of sudden....I was about to ask why but I had to stop as I found Taejun was there with his mom beside the car. So Jungkook was trying to shut me up before I reveled the truth. I bowed and looked up to see Jungkook's expression and found he had his poker face on.

"Good morning, Hyung, Chae." Taejun said smiling. He looked so innocent compared to his mom.

"Good morning, dear. Sleep well?" Mrs. Nara asked putting on her angel face. Well, it's fake though.

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