The day he leaves

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Spencer POV:

Today's the day toby leaves I'm so sad.

" spencer, I have to go I will talk to you soon I love you, NOTHING can change that NOTHING. I love you, Spence " he says than kiss me goodbye.

" I love you, toby "

I go home and cry than I run to the bathroom and throw up I hope I'm just sick that's it. Than its hits me I could be. Pregnant. I should take a test I don't even have to go and buy one Melisa keeps a lot in the barn she still lives there she just moved back in. I go out to the burn and grab one. I go inside a test it. It's says POSITIVE.

I call aria and Hanna to come over I know that Emily is going out with paige tonight so I don't call her.

Three hours later they come over

" spence what's the mater ?" Aria asks.

" I -I I'm pregnant " I say.

" does toby know yet " Hanna asks.

" no " I say.

" spence, are you going to tell him he desires to know if its his baby " aria tells me.

"Guys Toby's at his new job and I don't want him to come back just for this baby " I say.

" but you are going to tell him right?"they ask.

" no Toby can't know " I say.

" spence, are you going to get rid of it or try and have a miscarriage or have it than give it to someone else ?" Aria asks.

" I'm going to have it give it to somebody else than and never tell toby " I say .

" Spencer, toby would want to know if he got you KNOCKED UP " Hanna yells.

" Hanna he doesn't need to know " I yell back .

" think of this you were him would you want to know if you got your girlfriend knocked up ?" Aria asks.

" yes " I say.

" than tell him " aria says.

" nope I will I am going to tell him " I say.

" okay me and Hanna are going to leave now bye, spence " aria says.

Toby calls me. "Hi, toby."

" Hey Spence I miss you so much wish you where here. I miss you to. Sorry spence but I have to go I love you . Love you bye.

A Spencer And Toby Story (being edited) [Compeleted]Where stories live. Discover now