Good news

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Spencer POV

I run out of the bathroom and hug Hanna. " what did it say?" Hanna asks. " both negative but look and my phone " I say than hand her it. " Spencer when Toby gets home you have to tell him " she says. " fine " I say. " Ok I gotta go me and Caleb are taking Jessie out " she says than hugs me. ' bye " I say than walk her out.

I go check on Scarlett. She's still sleeping. I wake her up so I can feed her. I grab some veggies and give them to her. I take her down stairs and put her in her playpen and turn in the tv for her.

I sit down on the couch and watch her.

Later when Toby gets home.

" Hey Spence I'm home " Toby says. " hey I say than run up and hug him. We walk in to the living room. Toby takes Scarlett out of her playpen and plays with her.

" It's time for Scarlett to go to bed " I say than take Scarlett out of Toby's arms.

I walk upstairs than put her to bed.

I walk into me and Toby's room. he's sitting on the bed.

" We need to talk " I say than go over and sit beside him. He pulls me on his lap. " Ok what about?" Toby asks. " ok so um we promised no more secrets so I have been pucking for the past 4 days so I thought I could be pregnant so I texted Han to pick up a test. when she got here I toke 2 they were both negative than I go a text from A " I say. " Spence it ok can I see the message and thank you for no more secrets " he says than I hand him my phone. " I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier today " I say than hug him. " it's fine it's good you told me now and don't listen to A " he says.

Hope you liked it



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