Goodbye, my love

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The photo above is loosely based on the storyline.

Old Habits Die Hard

Spencer laid in the hospital bed. Her eyes were filled with tears as the doctors and officers asked her questions. She wanted to scream.

"Why were you with Officer Cavanaugh tonight?" one asked. Spencer knew the man. Marco. They almost had sex in an elevator. He was also Toby's boss. Toby nearly killed his boss when he found out Marco tried to take advantage of a drunken girl, but Spencer knew it was more because the drunken girl was her.

"I," she said. She hid her face in her hands. Another cry slipped her lips. "I asked him to meet me. I had gotten scared and didn't have anyone but him to get to."

"How did you know Officer Cavanaugh?"

Spencer rolled her eyes. Marco knew the reason. It was a stupid question, everyone in the room knew the answer. "We dated in high school and my college years."

"Where you aware of his broken engagement?" Basically: Would there be any reason why Toby would have been injured talking to you.

"Yes. He called me when it happened. He was upset. I let him in, and he stayed the night. Nothing happened. He just needed a friend."

"Did anything happen when you met with him."


"Did you know either of you would be injured."


"Then why was there a message saying someone would die on your phone?"

Her heart stopped. "I had been getting messages since Charlotte's death." She decided it was time to come clean. "I was scared to go to the police. I thought they would think of me being guilty of killing her or something. They've treated me like that before. Toby knew."

"And you went to report it to him?"

Spencer nodded.

"Did he?"

"He was going to, but we got distracted."

"Doing what?"

Spencer stopped talking. She could see the smirk on his face.

"Unlike the usual, I wasn't a basket case, and Toby wasn't drunk or anything in that sorts. We were together, but nothing major happened. We kissed."

"Then what happened?"

"The car," Spencer's eyes filled with tears again. She covered her moth, trying to keep herself together. She failed as tears slipped down her cheeks, "hit us. The truck flipped over, and we both were stuck. My arm was stuck between the door and the seat. It had crushed my arm in between."

"And Toby?"


"How were you able to tell?"

Another sob slipped her lips. She was a mess. Everyone in the room knew she was a mess.

"Miss Hastings?"

She didn't reply.

"We need the statement."

She kept quiet. She just silently cried.

"The sooner the better."

Then she had an outburst. Any sane person would if people kept asking. She hated the cops in Rosewood. "His damn lips were blue and a shard of glass was in his chest. His eyes were wide and he wasn't blinking. Anyone would see he was dead!"

Silence filled the room, and Spencer knew they felt bad. She couldn't get the last words out of her head. Would it be okay if I kiss you? I missed you.

She didn't realize they were leaving until the door was shut. Only a nurse stayed in the room. They had to make sure she wasn't going to hurt herself.

"He's dead," she whispered. "He's dead."

She finally let out all her tears. The nurse stayed in the room, and she rubbed Spencer's back.

"He can't be gone. He can't."

But he was.

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