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A shiver went down Spencer's spine as she stood in the rain. Her parents didn't want her in the house anymore. Her lip trembled as she took the key and placed it in the keyhole. Unlocking the door, she pushed it open. Toby was asleep, most likely. It was three in the morning. Spencer walked into the loft, placing her bag on the couch. She pulled out a change of clothes, her body shivering. She walked into Toby's room, walking in the bathroom to change. Toby didn't wake as she changed. Spencer stood in the bathroom doorway. Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked at him. She felt so alone. Spencer made her way over to Toby's bed, slowly. She was quiet; she didn't want to wake him.

Spencer crawled into bed. Toby moved, shifting in his sleep. Spencer lied next him. She looked at him as he slept. She curled next to him, needing his comfort. Toby, almost as if he knew she was there, wrapped his arm around her. Spencer fell asleep.

Toby woke up, and he felt someone against him. His arm was wrapped around someone, and Toby didn't know what was happening. Toby opened his eyes, and he saw Spencer curled up against him. He didn't remember her coming to his loft. He did notice the tear stains on her cheeks, so he was able to assume she came over while he was sleeping. Toby didn't want to wake her, but he also needed to go to work. It was six in the morning.

Toby tried moving his arm, but Spencer ended up waking up. She looked at Toby, and she sat up from the bed. Before Toby could speak, Spencer let out a heartbreaking sob. Toby quickly moved to her support, pulling her into his arms.

"Spence," he said, kissing her hair. "What's wrong?"

"My parents don't want me in the house."

Silence filled the air. Toby didn't know what to say. Different reasons filled his mind as he tried to figure out why her parents would kick her out. Is she pregnant? Did she drop out of school? Did she do something bad? What if she's pregnant? Shit.

"I'm not pregnant, if that's what you're mentally freaking out about. Your eyes say it all," Spencer said. "We got in a fight."



"What about you?" he asked, taking her hands. "Spence, what's wrong."

"I don't know why I didn't tell you," she said, making his nerves rise even more. "I'm using again."

"Spence . . . you said you'll call me," he trailed off. Spencer sighed, defeated.

"I haven't been sleeping. At least I don't want to be sleeping. Everytime I do, I get night terrors about the dollhouse. So I started using again. The only times I was able to sleep was when we would have sex or when you would just be there to hold me. My parents' didn't want to put me on sleep medications or anti-anxiety pills, so I've been trying to deal with it myself," Spencer said. Tears began to fall down her cheeks, again. She felt stupid and idiotic. "It was stupid, but I couldn't deal with being haunted by what happened."

Toby brushed his lips against her shoulder. A part of him was overjoyed that he was the only thing that prevented the night terrors. However, those were only a few times a week, if even that long. He'd seen her panic attacks and some of her night terrors, but never every night.

"Then a girl gave me some . . . other things to use. I never used it, but I stored it in my dresser just in case. My dad found it, and he and my mom got in a fight about it. Then . . . he hit me," Toby tensed, his grip on Spencer's hand tightening ever so much. "My mom reacted immediately, sending me to my room. My parents were fighting, and then my mom came in my room. She told me to pack a bag."

Toby watched Spencer's expressions as she told the story. He sighed, hating this was happening. He wanted to report Peter, but he knew better. Peter would get off with an easy punishment, if he even was punished. Rich people always did.

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