Begin Again

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This has been sitting in my drive for two weeks and I never got the courage to post it. But   CoralineCarolinaTNS and __Pllobsessed__ gave me a nice spam in the back 24 hours and it gave me the inspiration to finally finish this fanfic. Anyways, the fanfics to come are going to take forever to write because I want to go for the long fics more than the short ones. Basically, I want it to be like a short story in a way. I hope you enjoy because I had fun writing it.

Spencer and Toby sat across from each other. Spencer's eyes were rimmed with tears as she looked at her friend. "Toby, will you always be my friend?"


Spencer looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"We will always be best friends."

Spencer grinned, sheepishly. "Good."


Spencer kept her books to her chest as she walked down the hall. She looked around, noticing all the people surrounding her. High school wasn't like the cliches. There weren't girls gathering in the bathrooms gossiping, and the bullying rarely occurred. Bullying was forced into students heads since a bullied victim's story went nationwide. Students went to jail for the bullying, and everything changed. High schoolers weren't tormented nearly as much. Smart was the new sexy, but you had to do a sport. Everyone knew of everyone, but nobody knew everyone.

"Oh my god, what is this, a bra strap?" Alex, Spencer's best friend, said. He grabbed the strap with his thumb and index finger. He let it go, and the strap hit Spencer's skin. Spencer rolled her eyes. "This piece of clothing is too distracting for my male education!"

"If a bra strap is a distraction, I'm pretty sure that it's a personal problem, not mine."

"Obviously, but not to school board officials."

Spencer laughed, pulling her sweater to hide the strap. Alex wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "Why are you walking by yourself, Spencer? We always walk together."

"I was held back by a Miss Victorian. That day I was absent we were assigned partners. Guess who is mine?

"I have no idea. I don't even know who is in your class other than . . . tell me it's not him."

"Yep. Toby- 'I'm too good for y'all'-Cavanaugh."

"Great. I haven't spoken to him since middle school."

"He talks to me sometimes in Psych."

"Like, 'Can I borrow a pencil? Mine's too up my ass' or actually nice?"

"You really hate him, don't you."

"He ditched up, Spence. For Alison. Alison."

Spencer shrugged, looking straight ahead. Alex sighed, "I know you don't like talking about him. But how are you going to do to project."

"Simple, I do it and put his name on it."

"Not happening, Hastings," Toby said, walking behind them. "I'm not letting you do it all by yourself."

"But you can leave her at formal by herself," Alex muttered. Spencer jabbed him in the side with her elbow. Alex jabbed her back, gently.

Toby, ignoring the comment, "Plus she'll know if you just do it?"

"Whatever Toby."

"What do you want me to do? You weren't there, and neither was I."

Spencer continued walking, and Alex walked with her. Alex bumped Toby's shoulder. Toby grabbed Alex's arm, turning him around. Alex glared at Toby, and Alex returned the glare.

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