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Part 2 of Success because of a popular demand. Also, you guys are too kind. I don't see what you see in this lol, but your comments always bring a smile to my face (especially of my shittiest days).

Warnings: Implied Sexual Assault

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"Miss Hastings are you really dating the Toby Cavanaugh?" a reporter asked. Spencer cursed under her breath. Spencer understood the reporter was just doing their job, but it didn't make it any less annoying.

When the reporter, Shana Fring, asked Spencer to guest star on her show, she knew that the woman had other intentions. Most reporters didn't want to hear about Spencer's talk show.

Toby and Spencer had been dating since Spencer interviewed The Liars. However, they kept the relationship a secret for both their stakes. Rumors had circulated about them, but neither made any confirmation. A part of Spencer wanted to go public, but she didn't want to put pressure on Toby. He had for a stake.

"I've said this already," Spencer laughed, "Toby and I are just friends. After I interviewed him, we caught up. We went to high school together, after all."

As their relationship grew, Spencer began to remember who Toby was at Rosewood High School. He was one of Alison's main targets. Spencer barely remembered why Alison hated him, but she knew Alison tried to ruin Toby's reputation. Spencer also remembered she was supposed to tutor him, but it never happened.

"Were you two friends in high school?" Shana asked.

Spencer shook her head, "We were in separate friend groups. I was supposed to tutor him though," she laughed. "It never happened though."

Shana nodded, "Well, it's good you two have reconnected. Do you talk to the other band members?"

"Noel and I have reconnected. We were mutual friends back in high school. Caleb is great, and so is Ezra. All the boys are fun to hang out with. We, my friends and I, hang out with them occasionally."

Shana nodded, "But how is your show going? When we heard you were getting your own talk show, we couldn't contain our excitement."

Finally, a question about her. Spencer was tired of talking about the rumors. They may have been true, but no one likes their personal life to be analyzed. "Oh, it's going great. I am so pleased to be able to have my own show. There will be exciting stuff to come on the show."

"Do you hope to be the next Ellen?"

"I wish to be Spencer, and I don't mean that in a sassy way. I will never be as big or like Ellen. Do I hope for the popularity? Of course. But I'm Spencer. I hope to be the Spencer."

Shana nodded, a small smile on her face. "Good answer."

Spencer nodded, smiling.

. . .

Toby kissed Spencer's shoulder as they lay together. Spencer was against his chest and Toby's arms were around her waist. They sat in content, enjoying the time they had together.

"I watched your interview," Toby said, brushing his nose against her neck. "You did good."

Spencer nodded, sighing. "Thanks. I'm glad she went away from the questions about you."

"Don't like talking about me?" Toby teased.

"I do. I like talking about you, it's just weird adjusting. Like before, I was Spencer-Hastings-The-Interviewer. But now I am Spencer-Hastings-The-Interviewer-Who-Might-Be-Dating-The-Toby-Cavanaugh."

"No one has ever called you that," Toby laughed. "But does it bother you?"

"Being your girlfriend doesn't bother me. It's being reduced to," Spencer emphasis on the word "to", "a girlfriend. I want to be me, you know?"

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