Answers from the Known

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After a popular demand of a part 2 from my previous work, I have decided to do an aftermath of what happened when Spencer finally woke up. This will probably more angsty filled than fluff. There will also be some cursing, but I feel it is a natural reaction to what is happening.


Spencer felt like shit. Her eyes ached from seeing the light, her arm was numb, there was a sting in her shoulder, it hurt to move her arm, and her chest felt like a thousand pounds were pressed against her. There was a tube jammed in her throat, and her fingers felt as if they were pressed against needles. Everything hurt. She felt like shit. She looked like shit. Her hair was greasy, and there were dark circles under her eyes. She had no makeup on, revealing all her flaws. There was the hospital gown that showed her nipples, and her breast kept slipping from the gown. She wanted to find out what the hell happened to her, but she had no idea what was happening.

The doctors were doing so many tests on her, and finally the tube was removed from her throat. Spencer vomited from the tube triggering her gag reflex. Vomit was on her gown, another thing that made her feel like shit. With all the trauma, Spencer didn't notice the figure entering the room.

The first thing she noticed her the blue eyes. Her mind was scattered with everything that happened to her before she lost consciousness for a week and a half. Toby looked like shit. He looked like he hadn't showered in days, circles were under his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot (probably from lack of sleep and crying), and his shirt was stained with coffee. Spencer watched her ex-lover walk in and sit next to her. Neither of them said anything for a minute. They just sat in an awkward silence.

"I thought you moved to Maine," Spencer said, quietly. Her voice was still hoarse from the tube, and the lack of water from her mini coma. She looked up at the ceiling, not wanting to meet eyes with the man next to her.

"Yvonne did. We broke up."

"Are you okay?"

Was he? He didn't know. He'd been so caught up with everything, he never gave himself a chance to realize he wasn't with Yvonne. He was in love with her. He loved her. Maybe not like he loved Spencer, but he loved Yvonne. There was always those feelings for Spencer, but he thought he was over them. He wasn't. He never would be. Spencer was Spencer Hastings. She was smart, kind, beautiful, funny, and the most loyal person he knew. Hence the reason she was in the hospital. She put her friends' life before her own.

"I don't know."

Spencer nodded, feeling her walls rise. "I understand the feeling."

Toby and Spencer stayed quiet, again. Toby wanted to talk to her. He wanted to tell her he loved her and that he missed her. His heart ached, but he knew Spencer needed time. She just got out of her relationship with Caleb, and she had a thing with Marco blossoming. It hurt. Seeing her go for other people, but he couldn't blame her. Toby and Spencer were a one of kind love, but they lost their spark as they aged.

Before they were like a firework. Their love was so unexpected, and it made them want more of each other. The firework show lasted. They would go off and have an explosion of color. Each kiss felt like the first one in front of the motel, and they fell deeper and deeper in love with each other.

Then the show ended, and the crowds went home. Once the show stopped, the fireworks died. There were only the smoke in the air that kept their existence, but they would later be dissolved into the ozone layer, destroying the area around them.

They lost that spark of the fireworks. The little match that kept the show going, but they left with a magnificent love. Their finale. The finale that made little kids looked amazed and parents know it was finally over. The sign to the distressed soldiers who were haunted by the sound.

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