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Oh my god that finale. First off, the Spoby scene broke my heart. The tag GoodbyeSpoby made me cry, and Keegan Allen's tweet made me cry even more. Then, Spencer like got shot and I started crying. Then Toby freaking got in a car accident and I started crying. Keegan kept saying Toby was dead, but I like refuse to believe that. I mean we all thought Mona was dead and she wasn't. 

Oh, and Marlene noticed me on Twitter by retweeting and liking my tweet about how upset I was about the Spoby break up. 

I literally haven't reacted like this season three, and I was watching it on Netflix then. I hope Spoby survives or else I'm going to die.


Spencer woke up to bright walls and the feelings of nudity. There was a gown that covered her, but her back was open and bare. A sharp pain was felt in her left shoulder, and she tried to remember the events before the accident, but nothing was coming back to her. She remembered being separated from her friends, and then someone shot a gun. Then she remembered Mary Drake holding her, singing her. Everything after that was gone. She assumed she was the one who got shot, and she looked around the room. No one was in there with her, but she knew she had to be unconscious for more than a day, given the growing leg and armpit hair.

The door opened, and she looked over to who stood at the door. Emily.

"Spencer, you're awake," she said, relieved. Spencer noticed the dark circles under Emily's eyes, and she assumed Emily hadn't received any sleep in the past few days. "You've been out for three days."

The number surprised her. "What happened?" Spencer asked. Immediately, Spencer realized how hoarse her voice sounded, and she felt her throat felt dry. She noticed the glass of water on the table next to her. She reached for it, wincing. Emily, noticing, got the small glass of water, handing it to Spencer. Spencer sipped the water, before speaking again. "I don't remember anything after Mary started singing."

Emily sighed, sitting down. "You were shot, but not by Jenna. It was by someone else. You were shot two inches away from your heart, and your shoulder was injured as well. Mary Drake pushed Jenna from hurting you anymore."

"Why is she help me?"

"Spence, I think it will overwhelm you. So much has happened in the last 72 hours, and you need to find out little by little."

Spencer sighed, knowing Emily was right. Her mind wandered to other things that happened the previous day. Toby was supposed to leave the night she got shot. She wondered if he was gone or still around. The kiss . . . the kiss brought back so many memories. It was almost exactly like their first kiss, but Spencer was the one who kissed him. She didn't want to pull away, but she knew for Yvonne's sake, she had to. Spencer knew Toby didn't want to pull away, and that was why she walked away after they parted.

"How's Toby doing? Did he leave for Maine yet?"

Emily didn't reply. Toby and Yvonne were admitted to the hospital a few hours after Spencer had her surgery. They had gotten in an accident after a radio went off saying the location of where the girls were. Both, Toby and Yvonne, were in critical condition, and neither were promised survival. Yvonne had died mid-surgery, and Toby was put in a medically-induced coma. He hadn't woken up yet, and Emily grew to worry he would soon be living off the machines.

"Emily?" Spencer asked, nervously. Spencer knew when Emily grew silent, something had happened. "Where's Toby?"

"There was an accident on his way to Maine," Emily started, and Spencer's heart dropped. She could feel her eyes watering with tears, but she tried to hold them back. "Both him and Yvonne were injured badly. Yvonne died mid-surgery."

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