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Spencer stood in the hospital, staring at Toby. She wondered why A.D. wanted her to visit Toby. She assumed it would be something insane or intense. Spencer didn't understand why this was important or why this had to deal with knowing more about Mary.

Watching him, she observed that he looked tired. Yvonne had not woken from her coma, and Spencer hoped that she would. Yvonne didn't deserve to die. Toby didn't deserve to lose another person. Spencer remembered her last moments with him. She kissed him. She caused him to act in infidelity, and she hated herself for that. She just was so consumed with everything, and after Toby said he built the house for her, she was left with memories.


"What kind of house do you want to live in?" Spencer asked. Spencer had come home for the weekend, and Toby was thrilled. They spent the limited days together. Most of the moments consisted of sex. Both had been craving it, and they weren't able to please themselves. But this moment was different. They both were huddled on the couch together, and Toby was playing with Spencer's hands. He noticed how her fingertips were beginning to turn a blueish color. He was a cop. He knew what that meant, but he never said anything. He did check up on her behind her back. Her roommate had been just as concerned. He had her search Spencer's stuff, but the result was negative.

"What do you mean?" he asked. "Like in the future or now?"


They never spoke of the future. Most of the time, Spencer was too scared to talk about it. Ever since Charlotte was revealed as A, Spencer stayed in the present. She spent so much time trying to figure out the unknown events of A, that she never was able to stay in the present.

"Maybe here. I would build a house, and then we would walk in together. Then we would start our life together there. We would be married, and then we would walk in. Starting our married life in a new house. Built by my hands."

Spencer turned to him. "I'd like that," she said. "We could add the rocking chair too. I would rock our children in the chair, and then when they grow up they can have it. Once I'm gone of course."

"It sounds like a plan," Toby said. He was glad she was on board. He had already started the blueprints for the house, and he was trying to find a place for it to be. He was building a house for them.


Spencer walked over to Toby. She looked over her shoulder, wondering if there was anyone else watching. Maybe she would be able to spot A.D. But she couldn't tell anyone was watching. Toby must have heard her walk over because he turned his head towards her. Spencer, form a moment, didn't know what so say. Instead, she uttered, "Hi."


Toby stood, moving closer to her. Spencer wanted to kiss him. She looked up at him, wanting to lean in and press her lips against his. Then he went and hugged her. Her arm hurt. It was the stinging, dull pain, but she toughed it out. She wanted a savor every moment she could with him. Then they pulled away.

"I'm so sorry."

"I meant to call you."

"No, you didn't have to call me," Spencer said, shaking her head. She was surprised he didn't hate her.

They both sat, and Spencer kept her eyes on him. She knew that she needed to stay away. She was a homewrecker, and she couldn't do this to him. She ruined Hanna and Caleb's relationship. It still stung seeing Hanna and caleb so happy. He was never that happy with her. For him, it was all about sex. Hanna didn't even ask if Spencer was over him. She just went for the relationship.

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