Birthday Days

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Spencer birthday fanfic. The work is a little angsty. I am only good at writing angst for some reason. This is dedicated to spobytobes who requested this amazing idea. It probably didn't turn out exactly how you might have wanted, but I did what I thought was best. I decided for it to be after the Charlotte reveal, so Spencer would be dealing with PTSD. However, nothing is too triggering. This only iffy topic would be Spencer's inability to sleep and she developed eating problems. (Also I apologize to anyone who read this without a title. It didn't save lmao)

Spencer was turning nineteen, and she refused to go home for her birthday. Only a year had passed since Charlotte was revealed as A, and Spencer was haunted by the small town. She refused to see her parents or visit Toby. Toby drove to see her the most, and it was beginning to cause tension on their relationship. Spencer had tried talking Toby into moving to D.C., but Toby wanted to stay in Rosewood. Spencer would spend most nights lying awake, terrified to sleep. Sometimes she would call Toby at two in the morning and just talk to him until she fell asleep. Spencer was lucky to have an understanding roommate. Especially the nights she would scream in her sleep, or she would wake up screaming.

So when Spencer's birthday came up, she said nothing. She wasn't expecting a message from her friends. They all lost touched after they all went separate ways. She stayed in touch with Emily, however. After everything that happened, she grew the closer to the friend. Emily and her had more done to them than the other friends (even her friends were eager to admit it). Spencer also grew close to her former tormenter, Mona. Mona had been treated horribly in the dollhouse, and Spencer and her grew close over the experience. Spencer would never tell her friends how Mona and her met up sometimes just to talk.

Mona apologized for how she treated Spencer. She also revealed she was just following orders. Mona never wanted to keep breaking her relationships up, but she always had to. Mona respected Spencer. They were just as smart as each other, and they had a lot in common. Spencer even comforted Mona when Noel had broken up with Mona. They became friends, and they didn't judge each other so quickly.

When a message from Mona arrived, Spencer wasn't surprised. She sent a quick thank you, and continued on with her day. She hadn't received a message from her parents or Toby yet, but she shrugged off the feeling of ignorement. Toby was busy with police work, and her parents never showed they cared much.

Her roommate, Max, got her a gift. It was a journal. Max had read somewhere that writing dreams down help with the bad ones go away. Not that the night terrors bothered Max, but she wanted Spencer to be able to sleep without a sleep aid. Spencer thanked her for the gift, meaning the thank you. She could tell Max wanted Spencer to get passed her terrors and memories.

Spencer hadn't had class that day, so she stayed in her dorm most of the day. Max asked her if she wanted to go to a party or something, but Spencer denied, politely. Drinking made her wary, and crowds made her anxious. By nightfall, she still hadn't received a message from Toby, and she could feel tears welling in her eyes. She pushed away the thoughts of Toby forgetting. He wouldn't. Even before they dated, he knew her birthday. He knew her birthday before the fire happened. Toby revealed when they were dating he had a crush on Spencer when he was younger.

When Spencer's phone rang, her heart skipped a beat. Toby was calling her, and she answered without hesitation.

"Hi," Spencer said, making sure there was no sign she was crying.

"I didn't forget your birthday," he started. "I lost my damn phone and couldn't find it until like thirty minutes ago. I could have used a payphone, but I know you hate unknown numbers. Your parents were out of town, again, so I tried looking for it all day. It ended up being in my car in between the seats."

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