Prayers to the Unknown

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Dedicated to mckennagilday18 who requested this plot and prompt. Most of the work is about faith, but it never said which religion. Just a bigger being.

Toby was a clumsy person. When he was sixteen, he found himself taking the blame for a crime he didn't commit. Then when he was seventeen, he got in a motorcycle accident. Then again, he nearly got himself killed in a car accident when his brakes weren't working, and then he fell nearly ten feet off the ground. Luckily, he only broke his arm. At age eighteen, he got himself in a car accident, again, breaking his leg. He was high on a case, almost getting himself killed, again. Then he shoved his hand in some wood while doing pleasurable work, and during sex once he banged his head on the bed frame.

So it didn't surprise himself when he got in a car accident. He had been driving to the airport, he was moving to Maine. He didn't want to drive all the way there, because he would really hate himself in the mornings to come. He was a safe driver, for the most part. The only times he wasn't was when his ex-girlfriend would start crying getting triggered from her tormented days, or when his ex-girlfriend or fiance would start to seduce him in the car. There were always those few occasions where Toby texted and drove, but that was only when someone he cared about was being stalked or had a job to do. Toby was a safe driver, but for some reason he got himself in a fatal accident.

Toby blamed the fact he drove by the Rosewood sign. He got a load of flashbacks of his teenage years, and he found himself jerking the car away from a deer that stupidly stood in the middle of the road. This triggered the car to spin, and then it hit the side of a tree. The impact was not very friendly, and Toby found himself slipping into a deep sleep, unable to stay awake. He hadn't thought about Yvonne, the fiance, or Spencer, the ex-girlfriend. Instead he thought about maybe, just maybe, he found a way out. There was a large part of him that was done fighting.

But Death is a bitch. As soon as Toby thought he would be in eternal sleep, he woke up. He was still in the car, and he was bleeding on his head. In a different situation, he would have laughed. People often asked him if he had ever came close to death, and he replied with a laugh. He'd come close to it nearly six times. Spencer was the same way. She was nearly pushed off the bell tower, shot, pushed down a mountain, died in the woods, and killed by her kidnapper. She had an ongoing list of near-death experiences, and it was much longer than Toby's.

Once the ambulance finally arrived, he was rushed to the hospital. He really wanted the certain British doctor to be in England. Even after six years, Toby still hated the doctor. Toby knew he wouldn't have been surprised if A.D. was the doctor, given the times Spencer and Toby's relationship was interrupted, and the doctor somehow found a way to bring Spencer into his arms.

Toby decided he needed to sleep, so he fell back into the deep slumber he called rest. He hadn't done that since Spencer came back into town. At first it was because of the awkward ex meetings, then it was the fact there was another psycho who was after his friends. He was on edge with what this new stalker could do, and Jenna, his step-sister, was back in town. That made him very nervous. He never talked about Jenna to Yvonne, the fiance (remember?). Jenna was a subject that made him feel vulnerable and open. He hated the feeling. Spencer, sadly the ex, was the only one who really was able to see his emotional side.

He found himself waking up again. This time he was in the familiar white rooms. He had a bandage on his head, and his arm was in a cast. Toby noticed how the hospital was busy. He wondered how Yvonne was feeling. She took a nasty hit as well, and he hoped she would be alive. He didn't want to lose her. He loved Yvonne. Maybe not as much as he ever loved Spencer, but he still loved her. He wouldn't have asked her to marry him then. It also helped his father supported the relationship. However, his father came to the idea of Spencer after he had his heart surgery. Toby never asked why the change of heart (a part of him wanted to joke because his father literally had a changed heart), but he never got the nerve to ask. Toby was more concerned about how the payments of the surgery disappeared.

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