Sweet Kisses

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Toby was back in Rosewood, and Spencer's heart skipped a beat when she saw him. She had grown close to Marco, but a reason was because she needed comfort. Toby and Spencer made eye contact, and they were both goners. Toby sighed, walking over to her, and Spencer held her breath, scared of what might come her way.

"Hi," he said, when he reached her. Spencer could see he wanted to talk in private. He fiddled with his hands, looking at the ground. He looked exhausted. "Can we talk?" Spencer nodded. "We can go where the house is."

"Do you want me to drive there or you?" Spencer asked, digging through her purse. "I'll drive, actually. That way you can talk or whatever you need to do." She saw Toby nod, and she made her way to her car. "I need to fill you in on some things too. A . . . lot has happened since."

Toby nodded, "Like, A.D. stuff, or personal stuff?" he asked, wanting clarification. Even though Spencer and him were broken up, she still told him what he needed to know."

"Dollhouse stuff," Spencer played with her locker. She didn't look at him when she spoke, fearing the look he would give.

"Oh." Toby wanted to ask a million other things, but Oh was the only thing he managed to make out. He felt horrible how he left things with Spencer. She looked so . . . broken when he left. He needed to apologize for that, and he needed her advice on a million other things.

Spencer got in the car, and Toby followed her actions. She started the car and made her way to the location. She was nervous what Toby had to say to her.

Spencer hated the silence in the car. She had to break the silence, but she didn't know how. Before thinking, she blurted out, "Noel put the blood on me in the dollhouse."

Toby's head whipped to face her, and his eyes were large. "He did what?" Toby didn't even know Noel was in the dollhouse when the girls were taken. Toby knew what Spencer was talking about. For a year, she would wake up screaming about how she didn't know who she hurt. The one thing damaged her so badly, and Toby had a sudden urge to hit Noel.

"He put blood on me while I was knocked out," she sighed. "Emily and I found a hard drive, but A.D. broke into my house and took it."

"Did they hurt you?" Toby asked, not even caring about the evidence.

"I had called Marco, and he arrived after they got in my house. They were gone by the time he searched the house."


"The new detective. Long story, not in the mood to tell," she said. She didn't want to tell Toby she hooked up with his boss, and his boss was smittened with her. "But anyways, Noel was probably the one who I spoke to in the dollhouse. I think he was being blackmailed."

That was new information, and Toby was surprised by the theory. He looked at the road. "I'm sorry, Spencer," he said, looking back at her. "I shouldn't have left things the way they were left."

Spencer didn't say anything, and that gave Toby the message she didn't want to say anything.

"I don't even know why I said that. You didn't need to hear that."

"What's going to happen to it? You can't leave a half-built house."

Toby didn't say anything after that. He was thankful when they arrived at the location. Spencer parked, and she made her way out of the car. He followed her, remembering what he was going to say.

"What did you have to talk to me about?" Spencer asked, looking at the unfinished house. She looked at the ground. She wanted the painful memories to go away. She was itching for a drink or a drug to take the stress away. After being six years clean, she was tempted to fall back into old habits. She was going to talk to Jason about what how she was feeling.

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